
Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday Meanderings

Talk about a busy week. I was gone this weekend for another quick visit to Jenny and the Grands.  This time Pat and the dogs came too.  I was really worried about the dogs going all over the house and chewing on boxes and such.  Surprise, surprise.  The dogs stayed on the main floor without too much instruction from us.  Good dogs.  They enjoyed the fenced back yard.  (We enjoyed that even more as we didn't have to get dressed and take them on a walk first thing in the morning.)  

Between our weekend visit and my day at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival I really didn't feel like I had all that much time to actually sew. So instead of sharing what I accomplished over the last week, I thought I would share a couple of pictures of what I saw at the show.  Full confession time first.  I didn't really take all that many pictures and I actually didn't take any of the prize winners although they were spectacular. 

This was by Sue Bower of Pennsylvania. She recreated a scene from the the comic book series First Kiss and added the quilt comment.  It was a fun quilt.  She was encouraged and received permission to use the image from John Lustig ( 

Another one that struck my fancy was Puppy Love by Jennifer Ann June.  She did a great job with her pup. 

One of the things I enjoy most about going to a big show is the vendors. MAQF always has a lot of vendors.  In fact, some years I can't make it through all of the quilts because of the vendors. (Hum, I guess my priority is all the wonderful things for sale that I've never seen before.)  This year I pretty much made it through all of the vendors, saw all of the quilts and spent time chatting with friends who were attending too.   Here's my paltry haul from hitting the vendors. That's it 2 patterns, a marking pencil and a fat quarter of turquoise that struck my fancy.  Oops, I did buy a small bottle of oil for the long arm too.

Braid Shuffle (on the left) is the newest design from Karie Patch Designs.  I enjoy her patterns so thought I would indulge myself.  I LOVED Atlantic Avenue from Sassafras Lane Designs but not for the front cover quilt.  Check out the picture on the back cover and the quilt I saw in the vendor's booth. 
Oooh la la!  Be still my heart.  Look at all those scrap squares being used in a wonderful quilt.  My only issue is 2 1/2" squares make an 80 x 80" quilt.  Yikes...I really don't need a quilt that big. I'm thinking of using 1 1/2" squares that will bring it down to about 40" if I've done my math correctly.  This won't be started yet...but it could be a good retreat project if I could go through all of my precut squares and get them organized.  Time will tell if I do this one.  

On to my goals for last week and this week. 
February 22, 2016
Attend Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show
Finish blocks for FCQE Quilter & mail them
Bind OMG quilt
Put border 1 on antique quilt Sigh, didn’t happen

Not bad but I MUST get that antique quilt bordered thus it shows up again, first, 
this week. 

February 28, 2016
Put border on antique quilt
Start “Slide Show” dog quilt 
Order pictures for Slide Show
Work on next OMG quilt
Continue to work on “boy” challenge quilt

Send out info on my FCQ Equilter Block on 3/1

That's it for today.  I'm linking up with Monday Making and Main Crush Monday.


  1. oh! Atlantic avenue star is awesome. All the colors and mix of pattern? Yum
    Now I want to make it too! Missed the show, dang it.

  2. The quilt of the pup caught my eye! Glad you enjoyed the show. I look forward to the Dallas show in ten days.

  3. Great photos. The detail on the puppy is fantastic! Love the scrappy star quilt.

  4. Oh my gosh - When I saw the puppy photo in my blog reader I thought it was a photo - not a quilt!! Beautiful!!!

  5. What a cute puppy quilt! And Atlantic Avenue sure is cute. I like the alternate version better too! Have fun with it.

  6. I get caught up in all the vendors in a quilt show's so fun to see in person all the great products I see online. I totally understand about not taking many pictures. It's so easy to just get caught up in the show atmosphere. I hope you're having a productive sewing week! :)


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