
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

March Stashbusting (Enhancing?) Statistics

Someone in my community was selling fabrics from her mother's stash.  I really shouldn't have gone but I did.  At $5 a bag for fabric it was too enticing to give up.  Here's the whole collection of fabrics that fit in a plastic grocery bag.  I've been so busy since this sale I really didn't do anything with them until yesterday when I grabbed all the darks out and threw them in the washing machine with the border for the dog quilt.  

I didn't want to take the time to measure all of the fabrics so I decided I would count the darks in for March and the lights in for April.  Hopefully, I'll finish a lot of quilts during April to make up for this deficit!

It wasn't a pretty month!  I brought in over 5 yards more than I used.  Well, what did I expect when I only finished one project!  Sigh. I'm already ahead of that dismal usage as I just finished quilting the boy charity quilt.  I'll trim and bind it by Friday.

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


Ok, time to get busy using fabrics -- a lot of fabrics cause it looks to me there are a lot more light colored fabrics than dark and they need to be confessed during April.  On the other hand, the doggy quilt must be finished before the end of the month too.  Hope springs eternal!  

I'm linking up with Let's Be Social at Sew Fresh Quilts and Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation on Thursday.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. You may want to weigh that much fabric. That is how I handle large fabric donations for charity quilts. One pound of quilting cotton is 3.5 yards. Stephanie/FCQ

  2. I love that you actually have a little chart - I absolutely cannot do this because I would be forced to see how much fabric I have gained already this year...and my husband reads my blog - yikes! He's so sweet but I wouldn't want him to know the truth about this hobby/obsession of mine.

  3. I maintain that if you can't NOT buy fabric, then at least get it at a good price. Enjoy your acquisition!


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