
Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Meandering 5/2/16 and April Stashbusting

My design wall is surprisingly bare today.  I've moved finished tops off of it. Used it to take photos of the finished Dresden Baskets.  Now it is sporting only the Country Piecemaker's Orphan blocks.  Several months ago our program at CP was to use orphan blocks to turn into charity quilt tops. We had a sew in at the library to share ideas and the various fabrics folks had donated.  Lots of tops were completed and we've had lots of finished quilts turned in to the guild. Unfortunately, I could not stay to actually sew.  Instead I gathered a group of blocks to make a quilt as I had time.  Here's what I've done so far. 
The only things I've added so far is the navy blue and the granny square.  I will need some fillers on the bottom row. The blue will be used to bring the two outside blocks in the center row to the same size as the pinwheel.  I'm thinking of making some pinwheels using the polka dot fabric and yellow to make the quilt a little bit bigger.  It's fun to move things around and try different fabrics out.  It will also be nice to have some more fabric go out of the house considering April's stashbusting efforts. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


I finally washed, measured and folded the rest of the fabric from the yard sale I went to in March.  And, I did buy and was given some fabric at the FCQ Quilt show.  On the other hand it could have been much worse!  I finished 3 quilts during April.  Two of them have already been given away and I'm keeping only one.  (note to self... remember to show all of those quilts soon!) 

Moving right along . . .  here's my goals list from last week.  Not too bad. 
April 25, 2016
Quilt OMG
Label and Bind OMG
Pick next month’s OMG
Finish the 9 patches for guild’s QOV
Pick a top to quilt
Cut and kit up one project for May retreat Um, nope

And now for this month ... 
May 2, 2016
Quilt “Happy Quilt”
Layout and sew guild’s QOV
Sew batik rails into 4s. Cut out black sashing
Finish piecing CP orphan blocks
Quilt customer quilt
Cut and kit up one project for May retreat

I should be able to get a lot more than these done because I have no outside activities planned this week.  The calendar is absolutely bare. Time to make some great progress on these items. 

I'm linking up with Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward Monday.  Grab a cuppa and enjoy the show! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Orphan blocks can be difficult to use, but they are fun to play with and move here and there. I think the blue fabric will tie all of the blocks together very well.

  2. Can't wait to see how your orphan blocks come together. Creating this kind of quilt is a favorite for me.

  3. Those orphan blocks are going to play well together.

  4. It looks like a great start - will be very pretty!

  5. Looks like you've got the makings of a plan for the orphan blocks. Good luck!

  6. It's like putting together a puzzle, but it will be so nice once it is done. The blue really pulls everything together. Good luck on this finish!


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