
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

OMG May Goal

For some reason I didn't realize that there was a linky party over at Red Letter Quilts every month for the One Monthly Goal announcement.  I've been announcing next month's goal in the same blog post for the ending of the month. I figured it out this week. So, here's another little post about my next OMG.  Hum, maybe I wasn't eligible for the previous months.  That's ok as I really like getting the UFO I pick done each month. 

I'm working on a batik rail fence variation.  I've been busily sewing together all of the "rails" I got at a retreat swap.  They are now sewn in pairs.  Tomorrow or Friday I hope to get them into "4s" so I can then figure out how much sashing I'm going to need.  Here's what I do know -- I want a bigger quilt.  I figured out I was going to end up with 14 12" blocks of rails.  Hum, a 2 x 7 set? Or 3 x 4 with a few left over?   I don't think so!  

Today I made enough rails to be able to make 3 more blocks.  Except, really 17?  That is definitely not going to work.  Tomorrow I will count all the blocks I have and decide whether I really need more or not.  I will probably want to make 3 more blocks. (I may not have remembered the right number so it could be more or less!)   Twenty blocks would be great as a 4 x 5 set.  Then just add sashing and border/s and I'll have a nice size quilt.  


I'm linking up with Red Letter Quilts, Let's Bee Social, and Needle and Thread Thursday.   Take some time to see what folks are doing in their studio.  Mine needs a good straightening as I've been grabbing all sorts of batiks to try to finish my blocks.  I refolded the batiks I wasn't going to use and put them back on the shelf.  I still have a pile of reds out from several weeks ago.  

I'm curious how you store your bits and drabs of scraps.  I do try to keep cutting strips and squares.  But I frequently have bigger pieces that I just don't know what to do with.  Think of the excess fabric backing from trimmed quilts.  I'm considering starting a plastic box for each major color. (The boxes can be stored under my stacks of fabric on the bookshelves and I actually have the boxes. stored They are half full or less with bigger odd pieces.  What's your plan for odd ball size fabrics?  I could sure use some help! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I cut all my scraps into useable sizes and then store like sizes together in bins. I don't store them by color. I save myself time later by cutting the oddball sized scraps when I'm finished with a project.

  2. Thanks for telling the tale of how you figure out how many blocks you'll actually need to use to make a decent quilt. I'm right there with you when I just have fun making a bunch of blocks, then need to start a plan, LOL! Don't forget that you might use a plain fabric for an alternate block to make an uneven number work better.

  3. Sounds like you are well on your way to another finish. I'm still exploring how to handle those larger scraps. I'll be curious to see what you decide.

  4. Hi Bonnie! Linking separately the goal and the finish makes it easier when checking for eligibility, but it has also been hard for me to find the time to visit each both goal-setting and finish links. I have been considering combining them in one post as you were doing, but I am torn. Yes, I have included you for prizes!

    I am a scrap-saver! Someday I should post my system, but photos are hard for me in my sewing room. Smaller scraps I try to cut as I go: I have containers for 2.5, 2, and 1.5" squares. If the scrap is favored for some reason, like fussy-cutting, I put it in it's color bin near my machine. These are plastic containers that slide like drawers in a CD tower I have that happens to fit all the colors perfectly. Those pieces are up to 8 or 10 inches. Pieces that are larger, but not FQ size, I fold and place on narrow shelves above my cutting table. I find if scraps like these are visible, I will actually reach for them. I keep FQ's on shelves nearby too, and most of those have been cut a bit since I sometimes cheat when making scrap quilts!

    Selvedges, and strips, I have stored in my fabric walk-in (That sounds so glorious, haha!)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.