
Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday Meandering -- BIG News

I interrupt this quilt blog to bring the BIG news for the family.  Theodore Everet was born this morning to Aimee and Kevin.  He's a big boy - 9.7 lbs, 21" long.  Mom and Theo are doing fine.  We picked up Ellie yesterday and brought her home with us.  She's a sweetie but she has worn us out!  
Big Sister with her Little Brother -- 

Here's everyone in their first family picture. 
Hum, I need to work on my lighting skills. I took 20 or so pictures but I thought this one showed a bit more of Theo.  We'll be staying with Ellie until Mommy and Daddy come home.  And, boy this was really easy now that we live so much closer to both of our kids' families.  

In addition to all this activity yesterday and today, my quilt buddy Sharon was down this weekend for the first time since we moved.  She was tickled it only took an hour and a half to drive down. (It took me a lot longer to drive up when I went up in June!)   She pulled out these blocks that she had won at a retreat in 2013.  I had pulled out my 6 a week or so ago and decided it would take too long to get enough blocks for a decent quilt so I put them back.  I was more than willing to give her my six.  We're making a Project Linus quilt.  She took it home to decide about bordering it.  I'll quilt it and one of us will bind it.  Both of us have been able to take a UFO off of our lists.  YEA! (Well, almost completely off!) 

I haven't been doing such a great job on my goals this week, heck for the last several weeks.  Most goals had a little bit done on them, maybe not as much as I wished though.  Once we get back home I'll have to really get busy on several things. I'm down to a week and a half before fall retreat.  I'm hoping to be very organized with my projects.  We'll see if I have time to cut out a new project and organize the rest of the blocks for Christmas Traditions.  I'll be doing one of those blocks tomorrow while Ellie is at preschool. 

Sept 12, 2016
Help out with Ellie when the call comes
Hand embroider snowman
Make 2 purse blocks for FCQ Equilter√ started
Work on Christmas Favorites√ new fabrics bought to finish the last blocks 
Quilt and finish the secret quilt√ the quilting is started but more to do to finish

Sept 19, 2016
Have fun with Ellie and visit baby Theo!
Work on the secret quilt – hopefully finish it!
Do some more hand embroidery on snowman
Get several Christmas Favorites blocks prepped
Prep a few projects for the Fall Retreat next week

I'm linking up with Monday Makings and Main Crush Monday.  Take a look at what's happening around the internet this week. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. And the babies just keep on coming - was that 3 great grands this year - in about six months? Congrats!!

  2. Congratulations! Precious photos of this special day.

    The blocks are going to make a colorful quilt for some child - love those brights with the black and white.

  3. Congrats, Grandma! Sweet family pic. Cute quilt, too.

  4. Congratulations- that's a BIG baby. Love that quilt, hmmmmm maybe I'll copy the black/ white with bright centers. Bento boxs are so timeless.

  5. Hi Grandma Bonnie! What do they call you anyway? It seems everybody has unique names for Grandma these days. I really like the black and white quilt. If I was going to border it I would do a skinny strip of hot pink or yellow and then a wider border of black. (not that you asked my opinion, HA! HA!)

  6. Congratulations to all. Love his name. Enjoy (!) tour time looking after big sister. What a lovely bright quilt that will certainly cheer up a child.

  7. Congratulations! That IS a big baby! :) ~Melanie

  8. Oh Congrats!!!! And yay for being closer ;-)

  9. Congrats! Such a beautiful family!

  10. So precious! Quilting and grand-kids, what could be better?

  11. What a lovely family! Congrats on the new addition. Hopefully you'll get back in a groove soon and start racking up those items on your to do list.

  12. Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Theodore Everet!

  13. working on goals, heh heh
    you made a grandbaby for Pete's sake. That's an heirloom!


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