
Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday Meanderings

We're on baby watch!  Ellie is going to be a big sister -- hopefully soon.  So I spent part of yesterday afternoon pulling out the embroidery module and embroidering.  I can't remember when I last used this and it took me forever to find everything -- well except the stabilizer and the thread.  I knew I had seen the box with the unit but I had forgotten I'd taken it out and stored it on a shelf in the ironing station.  Voila -- a good look around and I found it.  And, really, it is a great place to store it as it is out of the way but easily assessable. Eventually everything was located and I was successful getting the Big Sister shirt done.  

The good part of doing the embroidery is I had time to do some straightening up and putting things away.  Sharon hopes to come down this weekend (see first paragraph!) if we are home.  Now she has a spot to put up her sewing machine.  Although, I may be working on the long arm and she could use mine.   

This is the new project I started on Saturday.  CP guild had a class on Magic Stack and Whack, an oldie but goodie. This is just pieces laid out on the fabric but what a difference that poison green made instead of the white background I had originally planned to use. (Sorry, didn't think to take a photo of it!) When I have time to work on this it shouldn't take much time.  Most of it is cut out.  No doubt you'll be seeing progress on this over the next few weeks? Months? 

I continue to take a few things out of the boxes in the unfinished basement and find places to put them.  And here's what I found this week! 
I have a collection of those little ducks given to me by a student and there are the elusive Gingher scissors!  Yea!  

Boy was this a horrible week for getting things done on my goals list.  It's pitiful! 
Sept 5, 2016
Make 2 purse blocks for FCQ Equilter Didn’t happen
Work on Christmas Favorites nope, nothing
Prep for and attend Stack N Whack class
Finish RWB to flimsy stage nada, either
Embroider snowman block nothing, nope, nah!

So, I'm repeating most of the items except adding the finishing the secret project. 
Sept 12, 2016
Help out with Ellie when the call comes
Hand embroider snowman
Make 2 purse blocks for FCQ Equilter
Work on Christmas Favorites
Quilt and finish the secret quilt

That's it from me.  We are awaiting the phone call to take care of Ellie but no word as of this writing Monday, late afternoon.  I'll keep you posted.

Stop by Monday Making and Main Crush Monday.  Both sites are up and running -- well why not I'm particularly late getting my act together!  Some time this week I'll sit down and enjoy seeing all the great inspiration.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Oooh, a new baby - how exciting is that! Love the "Big Sister" shirt!

    The green is perfect for the background on that block - very stunning.

  2. The embroidery you did for Big Sister is so cute, she is sure to love it. I hope you get in some fun sewing time this week, and congrats on the soon-to-be new baby!! :)

  3. Lately my goals list isn't getting much attention either so I feel your pain. Hope all goes well with the new baby. Ellie is sure to love her new shirt!

  4. Love your S&W block and agree the poison green makes it. I did a rubber ducky theme with my secret sister a couple years ago -- so much fun and so many rubber ducky items out there. I look forward to seeing pics of the new baby.

  5. What fun projects! That poison green makes that block shine

  6. Green sure makes it pop!!! Wishing all the best to the new mom to be and the family as yogurt ready to welcome the new bundle of joy!!!

  7. The S&W block looks great. (I need to revisit that technique.) Congratulations in advance about your new grandbaby! (Have you finished her/his quilt?)


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