
Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday Meandering 11 - 14 - 2016

What a week.  My quilting mojo has pretty much left the house.  Or at least it was gone last week right after I finished quilting a baby quilt.  I have been knitting up a storm.  I actually started and finished a small project last week.  Of course, no pictures of that project for 6 weeks or so.  Today I'm sharing my new leader ender project.

Faithful Circle Quilters works with Project Linus to make quilts for kids. One group that always gets some of our RWB quilts is Good Grief Camp for Young Survivors in Washington, DC that is held in conjunction with the National Military Survivor Seminar put on by TAPS - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.  
I have been making red, white and blue quilts for for a year or two to go to this organization.  Well, I tried to get one done in time for 2016 but I didn't succeed and I couldn't find any pictures of the one I did in 2015. The quilt I started last year and hadn't finished is well on its way to being finished.  So I've started another one as a leader/ender project.  
Now, what does that note say? 
I am learning to write notes on my projects to help me remember what was going on when I last worked on it. (I'm doing it with knitting too.) It sure makes it easy when I pick up a project that I haven't worked on for several months, er, or years. These will be sashed with white. Should help to lighten up the quilt. I'm a throwing in all sorts of odd ball pieces that will give kids a little chuckle. You can't really tell but there is a lizard on the top left of the block above. 

I forgot to take a picture of the baby quilt I quilted and bound last week.  I've already turned it in but I might be able to have a picture taken and sent to me.  Maybe you'll see my string pieced quilt sometime soon.

Pat and I are singing in the neighborhood chorus and we performed at the Veteran's Day celebration.  It was a great program with interesting speakers, good food and a nice performance by the Spare Time Singers.  I thought this cupcake "cake" was really clever. 
No one needed to cut it.  Crumbs weren't all over the table (although a bit of frosting was smeared around.) Best thing was the cupcakes were really tasty! One of the advantages of living in a 55+ active community is lots of different businesses want to get their message to us.  So, like this event, the food is sponsored.  We hear the name of the company a couple of times but there was no hard sell at all. 

I did more on my goals than I remembered doing although I am repeating the goals on Christmas Favorites. 
November 7, 2016
Put last border on Christmas Favorites
Make backing for Christmas Favorites
Finish second red sock
Load and quilt baby quilt
Pillow Case Day at guild Saturday

November 14, 2016
Put last border on Christmas Favorites
Make backing for Christmas Favorites
Begin embroidering Christmas shirts
Keep knitting!
Vacuum and straighten up the studio

That's it for me today.  I'm linking up with Main Crush Monday and Monday Making.  Join me as I surf the web using these two sites as my starting point.  Lots of creative ideas come from this surfing, or at least that's the excuse I tell myself for surfing rather than quilting! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I have never seen cupcakes done like that before - good idea?

  2. I didn't think the cupcake trend was going to last very long, but it certainly has. Love the "cake"

  3. Of course, there are only supposed to be 13 stripes on the American Flag.....

  4. Very fun leaders and enders project. I love those, it's amazing what you can get done that way. Very cool cake. I've not seen a cupcake cake made that way before.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.