
Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday Meandering 11 - 7 - 2016

As usual, my post is all about trying to get Christmas Favorites done.  I've been using it as my One Monthly Goal for most of the year and this month is no different.  Here's where it's at now... 
It's together! It's got its first border on!  I've done the embroidery on the two blocks! But, oh no!  I realized I hadn't  blanket stitched around the center of the 2 "e"s in the Mistletoe block.  OH GOOD GRIEF! 

Hopefully early this week I'll have the last border put on.  Here's a close up of the border fabric. I was a little concerned about the variety of greens I've used in this quilt.  Lime green, yellow green, blue green.  Lots of different colors.  I finally decided that all those greens go together in nature so they can go together in this quilt. 
I have some real issues with the lighting in my new studio.  I will eventually get it all worked out but for the most part I don't have enough light on my design wall to take great pictures.  I had my overhead cam lighting on and about 3 additional lights on.  Must figure out how to get better lighting down there.

By the way, that embroidery of red circles on Santa's cheeks is his rosy cheeks not crazy eyes!  His eyes are little buttons that will be put on after the quilt is done. 

Goals were accomplished this week!  (Well most of them anyway!)  Here's last weeks:
Oct 31, 2016
Do the hand embroidery on Christmas Favorites
Put the last few items on the CF blocks
Knit on the second red sock
Find a small quilt to quilt on Ruthie
Work on Stack N Whack nope – nothing happened on this. 

And for this week: 
November 7, 2016
Put last border on Christmas Favorites
Make backing for Christmas Favorites
Finish second red sock
Load and quilt baby quilt
Pillow Case Day at guild Saturday

I'll be linking up with Main Crush Monday and Monday Making.  I'm also looking forward to spending time with the folks who link up with those two websites.  I find so many wonderful ideas by surfing these two link ups. (Well, along with all the other ones I link up to!) 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. This is my first visit via the Monday Making link up. Love your Christmas quilt and it seems like you will have it done just in time to enjoy it for the holiday season. It is so sweet.

  2. I like it more and more, and got a good chuckle from the "crazy eyes" statement.

  3. Very cute! The greens all look fine. Such a fun project for Christmas.

  4. Loving this. I am having a real chuckle here looking at those 'Crazy Eyes'!!


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