
Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday Meandering 11 - 20 - 2016

For some reason I really didn't get all that much done this week.  Of course it could have been because Saturday and Sunday were taken up with a rehearsal and a concert with the Spotsylvanians.  Here's a link to one of our pieces from rehearsal on Saturday.  If you live in Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania county think about coming to one of our free concerts.  Check out their Facebook page to see our concert dates in Spotsylvania and in Culpepper, Virginia.  

One thing I did do was go to my local quilt store and buy enough fabric to go with a couple of yards of fabric I already had so I can make the backing for the Christmas Favorites top.  But, that won't be happening until after this week.  Too much needs to be done this week for Thanksgiving.  Also, our community is having a craft show Saturday and I'm baking some goodies to sell to raise funds for the community chorus.  Yea, we do sing around, a LOT.  With the church choir I'm singing with 3 choruses and Pat's still singing with the Virginians in Richmond, so he's in 4.  We'll probably be cutting back some for the spring season. 

I've been knitting hats for the girls in the family.  I've got two done except for making a pompom for the top of each hat.  Luckily these little hats go really quickly.  

I've finally started catching up on my fabric usage since the move.  Um, it doesn't look all that good recently.  Here are July stats.  I really couldn't do much sewing so I decided to do a little internet shopping instead which I wrote about here.  Hum, I'm definitely NOT using fabric up.  I did use a very small amount of the fabric I brought in during July.  But, honestly 3 pieces no bigger than 3 x 6" just doesn't make that big of a dent! 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year


Moving right along to my goals for the last week.  Not bad but definitely not fabulous either. 
November 14, 2016
Put last border on Christmas Favorites
Make backing for Christmas Favorites oops – I had to buy some additional fabric
Begin embroidering Christmas shirts √one done, 3 more to go
Keep knitting!
Vacuum and straighten up the studio √ at least I got the vacuuming done but I still need to do some straightening

And this week's goals:
November 21, 2016
Keep knitting
Get 2 more shirts embroidered before Thanksgiving
Load customer quilt on Ruthie
Cook Thanksgiving dinner
Make pies, cookies and muffins for community bake sale

That's it for now...I've got a rehearsal in 45 minutes and I need to take a shower!  I'm linking up with Monday Making and Main Crush Monday

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone and hope you can squeeze in some quilting time this week. Bonnie 


  1. Thanks for the link to the video: I enjoyed hearing the group and can tell the concert will be fantastic. Other than church, I haven't sung in years.

    Your week is busy, but sounds enjoyable, too.

  2. Good golly - you have a lot on your list this week! I hope you have a great Thanksgiving Bonnie. I've been on a sock knitting binge lately. Love your little hats, and a pom-pom will be perfect for each of them. Thanks for linking to Main Crush Monday, and have a great week!

  3. those hats are so cute. you have been busy. you have a lot on your to do list. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. The hats are very cute. Sounds like you've been really busy, it's that time of year. Have a very happy Thanksgiving.

  5. That choir looks like so much fun! I enjoyed the video


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