
Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday Meanderings 11 - 28 - 2016

It seems like I really didn't get much sewing done over the last week.  On the other hand I did make 4 apple crumb pies -- with nary a picture to show for it.  What was I thinking?  Two pies were sold at a bake sale supporting the local singing group.  One was for dessert Thanksgiving day and one is residing in the freezer to be pulled out in the future.  Lots of work but I still have a whole pie left! 

So, I did get 2 Christmas shirts done for Sophie and Natalie. OOPS, no pictures. I did notice they were both wearing them the next day when their mom posted on Facebook.  But, you really can't see the designs.  Sigh.  I've made Theo a Christmas onesie but I can't even find it now.  Yikes.  So, I'll throw in a picture of some more of the onesies I gave him in October.  Jawsome is from Embroidery Boutique. 
And Boy at Work is from Designs by JuJu.  Who knows where I put his Christmas one.  Heck, where is the shirt for Ellie's Christmas embroidery?  I am getting a little too scattered. Must mean I need to spend way more time in the studio.  I have hardly been in there over the last week or two. 
Here's my newest knitting project.  Don't expect to see anymore of it for several weeks.  Just saying'.

I finished my OMG pretty early this month.  I wanted to sew the blocks together and get the borders on.  And yep, both borders are done.  

You can visit other OMG blogs by going to Elm Street Quilts to see if others have finished their November goals.  (If you have time, take a look at other posts on Patty's blog.  She has a lot of information on making bags/purses.  I need some time to page through all the wonderful posts.) I'll post my goal for December early in the month. 

Now, it's on to the weekly goals.  I didn't give myself too many goals as I knew I was going to be busy with non-quilty things last week.  Heck, it'll be the same this week actually.  So, overall, I did well. 

November 21, 2016
Keep knitting
Get 2 more shirts embroidered before Thanksgiving
Load customer quilt on Ruthie (Started the backing will finish on today)
Cook Thanksgiving dinner
Make pies, cookies and muffins for community bake sale√ I don’t want to make another apple pie for a while…I made 4 of them!

And this coming week.... again, a little less quilting involved.

November 28, 2016
Load and quilt customer quilt
Make backing for Christmas Favorites
Have lunch with Dorothy and attend Pat’s concert
Sing with Spottsylvanians
Find Christmas cards and start getting them ready to send…
Embroider Ellie's Christmas shirt

We'll see if I buckle down and get the two quilty things done.  I'm very motivated on the knitting so I know I'll keep working on the various projects I have going.  

Take some time to relax with a cup of tea (unless you are a coffee fan) and check out these Monday Linky Parties: Main Crush Monday and Monday Makings.

That's it for me now.  I am going to load a quilt this afternoon and knit some more.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. you will be glad you took the extra time for that pie one day when you take it out of the freezer!

  2. Love that Santa quilt and those cute shirts. Congrats on finishing your goal and linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal.

  3. Oooh, the Hitchhiker is looking good - love that yarn!

  4. Your knitting intrigues me! I'm annoyed at mine right now; the pattern is NOT working out for the number of stitches on the needles, and I'm no new knitter, so I guess I will contact the pattern designer at annoying when I had many many hours on the drive down here to work on it. All it did was a couple rows, rip. Repeat like two more times before I said okay, something is definitely wrong here...
    The t-shirts are adorable! As is your OMG. I've been thinking what (there are so many) I would like to set for December; I haven't done an OMG for some time. Good luck with those weekly goals!

  5. Totally Jawsome is pretty cute. Congrats on getting your OMG done. That's a pretty significant feat. Good luck with this week's goals. It's going to get harder and harder to get stuff done with the holiday prep.

  6. Good luck with your weekly goals - it's a busy time of year so none of us are at our most productive. The little peek at your knitting makes me want to see more!


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