
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February One Monthly Goal

I start thinking of my next one monthly goal long before the current one is finished. This particular UFO wasn't the one I was thinking of doing.  I started going through the bins and boxes of UFOs to find one that I wanted to get finished soon.  This one using 16 patches caught my eye. All the blocks are done although I may replace one of the brighter blue ones.  These blocks came from my friends in the FCQ Equilters group in late 2010/January 2011.  I think they have aged enough.  Time to get on with finishing them.  And, I can always donate it to TAPS. 
So my goal this month is to get the top finished.  It will have dark red sashing (cut 1.25 if I remember correctly.)  Then it will be getting a piano key border.  So, doable but I'll have to keep focused on it as February is a short month.  Hum, this is definitely not laid out correctly.  I need to check all the blocks to make sure they all have a dark fabric in the top left corner.  And, yes, I am tired of working in red, white and blue but I have a great use for them once finished.  Hopefully, I'll be having the quilting and the binding as my March goal.  Unless I go all super efficient and get it all done this month.  That could happen. Or not. 

And, here's what we saw Monday morning when we went to work out.  Trees with a dusting of snow.  

I'm linking up with Elm Creek Quilts February Goal Setting and Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication.  I hope you'll join me on a tea break to see all the great things happening around the internet.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I know what you mean about getting tired of red, white, and blue. This top is going to be great for TAPS.

    Snowing again this morning. . . I'm getting weary of the white stuff!

  2. That is totally doable and yes they have been marinating long enough:-)
    I am sure TAPS is thankful for your donation.

  3. I get tired of some color choices after awhile, sometimes by time I get done with a quilt I am so tired of it I end up passing it on to someone else right away and do not even use it.

  4. You could leave the misplaced block as a "design element." (But it would drive me crazy!) You've done well by R/W/B -- now you can choose another colorway!

  5. So glad to see you working to finish this, as yes, those blocks have aged long enough! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers

  6. Pretty snow fringed onto the trees is always a photographer's ideal. Your quilts are as pretty as ever! Kudos!

  7. Love the colors. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project. Please do add the link to the ESQ linkup post to your blog post.

  8. Mmmm Mmm Beautiful! That will be a great finish! Stay warm!!!

  9. I think your goal is doable--love the quilt! It looks like a great stash burner!

  10. Good luck with your February goal. You've been moving a lot of those UFOs along.


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