
Saturday, February 4, 2017

January Stash Busting Statistics

I'm trying to stay on track with my stash busting statistics this year.  I guess posting these on the 4 of a new month is a lot better than posting them 4+ months late!  That little internet shopping experience at the beginning of the month really put a dent in how successful I was using up some fabric.  On the other hand, I used several pieces of it in a baby quilt that is almost done. 

Not a bad month, all considered.  Although, I am going to the local quilt store today to buy some fabric to make a bag on Thursday with my Powhatan buddies.  Hopefully, the bag will be finished this month.  The good news is I found two fabrics from stash I can use so I only need to buy a yard and a half. Whoop! Whoop!. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric in Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

Let's review my method of fabric accountability.  When new fabric comes in it is recorded that month.  I'm pretty consistent in that fabric that is new to me whether given to me or purchased gets listed.  I only count fabric as out once the quilt or bag or whatever is finished.  If I'm sending blocks off to someone I count that as a finish once the blocks are given over or mailed out.  I'm pretty hard on myself this way but it does help to motivate me to finish things.

Here's a hint of what I worked on last weekend. (Hey, I like to include it helps to have a photo on the linky parties!) 

I'm linking up with Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. You know the drill -- take some time to see what every one is working on this weekend.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. At first glance I thought your photo was out of focus or pixelated! I think I see bargello, maybe?

  2. You made a lot of progress on the strata strips you took to the sew-in. It's looks good. I'd probably get confused with the layout and give up. I see you have notes pinned on some areas. I'd need a multitude of them.

  3. Ummm -- August? Boy, the year is speeding by!

  4. Love seeing the air conditioning modules in your original header photograph. The colored ink helps to make your chart distinguishing, too; now doesn't it? Your posts thrill me!

  5. Oh wow! I'd forgotten to post my January stash report. I guess I'll be working on that a little later. :0 Loving your Bargello beginnings. Here's a tip for those notes...write numbers on flower pins to use for labeling strips.

  6. Your still on the stash busting side, so it's all to the good. Hopefully February will be good for you too.


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