
Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday Meandering - 2 - 13 - 2017

Happy Day Before Valentine's Day

Last week I finally realized that Valentine's Day was almost upon us.  And, I hadn't really made sure I had shirts to embroider for the girls. And, Theo.  I nearly left him out this year but I did find some more nice onesies so he's rocking Valentine's day too.  I took care of that and then had to figure out the designs. Here's what I did last week: 

All designs came from Designs by Juju. And a close up of all the designs.

I had all of these shirts done by Wednesday morning so Pat could mail them for me.  I then started cutting pieces for a big tote bag I was making with my friends in Powhatan.  I was at Dorothy's house at 9:30am even after an hour, fifteen minute drive.  Believe me, I never arrived that early when I lived 25 minutes away!  We spent the day with Kay and Janet trying to get this huge tote bag made.  A little before 4, I gave up on mine and came on home.  I'll be working on it again this week hopefully.  

Pat and I came down to the beach house as we (really Pat) had some work to do.  Good thing we did because we found out the garbage disposal wasn't working so Pat was able to replace it.  I did a little sewing on my OMG project but I didn't get that far along on it.  

Here's a sunset picture over the sound.  We are across the street from this.  It was cold on Friday but was better on Saturday and warm on Sunday.  Nice weekend.  

So here's how I did on my goals last week: 

February 6, 2017
Knit on sweater
Cut out bag pieces and begin to make
Cut sashing pieces for 16 patch/OMG
Embroider Valentine’s Day shirts for the grands
Quilt and bind pinwheel quilt I didn’t even touch this one.  Bummer as I wanted to give it to Janet on Thursday. 

And this week: 
February 13, 2017
Trim 16 patch blocks and add the horizontal sashing
Knit on sweater – finish that last sleeve and start to put together
Work on tote bag
Quilt pinwheel quilt
Put more crafting/quilting items away in the closet

That's it for today.  I'm linking to the regular linky parties: Monday Makers and Main Crush Monday.  I hope to spend some time with them later this week as today is really busy. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Cute T-shirts! And gorgeous sunset.

  2. Those shirts are adorable!! I'm partial to the monkey:)

  3. The monkey is my favorite, too. The brown fabric is perfect and gives him character.

  4. What a beautiful beach view. The embroidered pieces are all cute. May you do well on your goals this week!

  5. So cute. I want the birdie - only if I could fit into that small t-shirt, I'd promise to be a very good girl :-)

  6. Very cute T-shirts! Sounds like the beach was a good idea last weekend. Happy stitching this weekend.


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