
Friday, February 17, 2017

Two Really OLD UFOs Finished!

Yes,yesterday I put the last stitches in two very OLD UFOs.  I think some the fabric dates to the 1940s but most is probably from the 1950s up to the 1970s.  And, no, these are not my UFOs.  The blocks were made by my friend Patrick's grandmother.  When he and his wife started helping his mom and dad clear out their house they brought the boxes of fabric and partially made quilts and blocks to me to see what I could do with them.  Here's what I have done with the little 9 patch blocks. 

I used the long arm to make little designs in the white snowballs on the red bordered one.  And I used my trusty Bernina to do straight line quilting on the green bordered one.  I prefer the feel of the green one as it seems to be "sturdier"?  I probably used a different batting as I was using leftover batting. 

I've used this layout for 9 patches before and I love it.  It was fun working with these little blocks -- the prints are interesting.  Here they are bagged and ready to give to Patrick and Stacey.  I am so proud of them for actually arranging to have quilts made from these leftover blocks.  I may be stitching on their collection for years but as a quilter with my own collection of UFOs I'm happy to see someone finishing these projects.  I think next up is a wedding ring quilt.  The rings are made.  I hope to appliqué them to a backing fabric and then quilt it. I may not be providing the fastest service but I am steadily working on them. 

Have you thought about what will be happening to your UFOs and fabric stash when you aren't around to sew any more?  I've made a plan that should work.  But I am also trying really hard to finish some of my UFOs.  I haven't gotten to the point of actually getting rid of ones I don't really like but I am working on finishing the oldest ones.  Who knows how I'll do this year! 

I'm linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday and Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?  I'm hoping to spend some time this evening perusing these links to see what strikes my fancy.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I have seen snowball and 9P set straight, but the on-point setting completely changes the look!

  2. What a wonderful project!! I love that you are transforming someone else's hard work into something usable. These are super cute, Bonnie!

  3. Those cheerful blocks have a new lease on life! Great setting, nice quilting. Good for you!

  4. You did a great job with the UFO blocks, and I know the family will be thrilled to have a useful reminder of their grandmother. I think my Mom had some of the same fabrics. Well done!

  5. That's a great way to arrange 9 patches and lovely to finish something for someone else. Like the quilting too.

  6. Hi Bonnie, I quite love that setting for blocks. Unity. Good save on old blocks, and it's always good to connect two quilters over the years! LeeAnna

  7. Congrats on two very pretty finishes! I've not made any plans for my UFOs, other than working steadily to finish them off. Drama Teen has already informed me that all my fabric is going on ebay when I'm gone.


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