
Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Meanderings 9 - 11 - 17

I spent way too much sewing time making pillowcases for hurricane relief this past week.  Now I just need to get them to the post office. Hopefully this week they will go off to Sarah's church.  Read about her efforts here. Here are 6 of the 8 I made.  
Not all of my fabric was kiddy fabric.  I doubt that will be a problem for folks who have almost nothing.  

Next up was a little diversion from quilting. When we moved to another new location for us we decided it made sense to live in an active adult community.  Our thoughts were we would be with folks in similar situations and there were all sorts of activities for the residents.  We have not regretted that decision.  We've enjoyed lots of activities with our neighbors and we actually know our close neighbors.  I decided to try a new event last week by going to the craft club.  Many of the items they did over the last few months I wasn't really interested in.  But I really wanted to make a picture frame with shells on it.  Here's my end result. I have to say the gals who run this group had beautiful shells.  I can't wait to find the perfect picture to put into the frame. 

I really got going on a project I told a friend I would finish for her.  Of course, it sat around my house for at least a year. I don't often sign on to make or finish projects for people because I like my own projects.  On the other hand I usually don't need to buy fabric to work on an old project like this.  Sometimes I charge folks, sometimes not.  Amanda started these placemats almost 25 years ago. She was a non-quilter but decided she could make them by hand. So she got two placemat tops finished and had cut all the other pieces to finish the other two.  BTW, did I mention she drew templates and cut every piece by scissor?  
I finished these two for her and made two more from her pieces.  I was really impressed that all of the flying geese I made from her pieces turned out pretty darn good. I actually checked the pattern and realized she was suppose to have one more flying goose on each side of the leaf.  I didn't even think about it when I finished hers.  She'll be happy to get them this week.  I'll be happy to have one less thing hanging over my head!  Do you finish other people's UFOs to help them along? Do you charge for it?  Let us know.  

My goal list from last week is mostly not done.  Sigh.  I did read a few too many books though, does that count?  
September 4, 2017
Quilt Streak of Lightening nope, didn’t happen
Make last 2 fabric boxes
Cut out new quilt for retreat nope
Make pillowcases
Finish placemats almost done
Now for this week. This looks long but 3 of the items are definite.  The other 3 are in the category "I sure hope I get these things done!"
Sept 11, 2017
Make lotto blocks for retreat
Prep a project for retreat
Finish placemats
Mail pillowcases
Do some serious fabric shopping!
Enjoy Barbershop singing competition

I'm linking up with my regular linky parties: Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, Moving It Forward and Oh Scrap.  Take a few minutes sometime this week to check these links out.  There is always lots of eye candy and great inspiration.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I've only worked on two UFOs for a friend. I didn't charge her but she paid me. I doubt that I would do it again because it was so stressful.

  2. I have had UFOs gifted to me but I really have not finished any for others. I can't seem to get my own finished.

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  3. I helped my friend Erin finish a UFO that was over 100 years old! She had four gorgeous tops hand sewn by her great grandmother, plus about 30 leftover blocks. I used the blocks to make a small lap quilt so we could test how the old pieces did with machine quilting, washing and drying. The little quilt did great, which encouraged her to have the four queen sized ones professionally quilted and she gave them to her sisters. The whole thing was so rewarding, because Erin was so open to trying it. The sisters were so surprised and astounded to have something from 1910 finished and on their beds...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. That frame is really pretty. It's fun to share activities, you get to see everyone's ideas. The only commission work I've taken is the requests from the daughter. My schedule often isn't my own and I'd hate to commit to something then realize I couldn't finish it. But it's nice you could help out a friend. The placemats are very pretty.

  6. Cute pillowcases! and the placements are so cool!


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