
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September's One Monthly Goal

My fall retreat is 3 weeks away.  I need to start focusing on getting my projects together.  As usual, I like to have my projects precut and ready to sew.  Here's what I'm picking for my September goal. Yep, I'll be retreating at the end of September so I should be able to get this to to top stage with no problem. 
My plan is to cut out all of the blocks, borders, and maybe even the binding before I go. I cut one block and made it up. Wait, I forgot to mention this is Quiltmaker magazine from last year.  Last year every issue had a pattern specifically designed to use AccuQuilt dies.  I really liked this pattern so earlier this year I bought the die.  Here are most of the pieces for one 8" finished block.  (It's missing the other navy blue background pieces for each unit.) 
And here's the finished block ready to be made into a quilt. Oops -- I didn't do a very good job matching the bottom center.  Hum, it wouldn't be hard to fix that.  Next time I sew maybe I'll get those sections to match up better. 
So here are some of my fabric choices.  I am thinking of making this a donation quilt for some organization.  I have purposely left out pinks so that if I donate to the neonatal unit dads will like it for their boys.  Yes, that sounds a bit sexist but according to my friend who is a neonatal nurse and hands these quilts out Dads don't want anything to do with pink quilts if it's for a boy.  And, statistically there are more boys in NeoNatal units than girls.  So I try to make more quilts for boys. It's hard to see some of the cute novelty fabric -- golf tees and balls, baseballs, monkeys wearing pirate hats, cherries, stars, cats and hens to name a few. 
Lots going on in the picture.  I'm trying to coordinate the colors as the magazine picture shows. The two colors in the blocks are very similar.... hum, honestly, that did not happen in my sample block at all.  And, it isn't looking all that close in the row of fabric under the block.  Ignore the far left fabric -- it is the navy blue background. I still need to pick the rest of the go with fabrics for the quilt.  And then I have some serious cutting to do.  

This isn't going to be enough for 3 full days of sewing.  I'll pick a few other things to do.  Maybe I'll work on a UFO too or maybe an easy kid's quilt.  I'll keep you posted. 

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts one monthly goal setting post, To-Do Tuesday,  Mid Week Makers, and Wednesday Wait Loss.  (The ones that aren't up will be linked up after they post! You know the drill. I have to remember to link up but hopefully I will look everything over Wednesday sometime!) 

That's it from me today.  I finished 8 pillowcases that are going in the mail after they are washed, dried, and ironed. I'm ready to cut some RSC orange and get those stars cut out.  Always something to keep me busy. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Nice pattern. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. I love the pattern and your fabrics are fun. I tend to knit more "boy" hats for the same reason.

    Preparing kits takes time, but it's nice to have it bagged and ready.

  3. Aw, that's going to be so cute with all the novelty fabrics and navy blue! Very much a little boy's quilt. I also don't like to be sexist with my charity quilts, but I know that folks are going to pick what appeals to them, and for many that will be "blue for boys, pink for girls." I figure I'll just sew what I like and then let it go :)

  4. This really caught my eye! I just got an Accuquilt and am looking for this die. It will be a great way to use up scraps and meet my goal of making six baby quilts for my guild's charity this year.

  5. That's going to be a very fun little quilt. Congrats on getting all the pillowcases done. You've had a productive week.

  6. Love that block - can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  7. Have fun at your upcoming retreat! I always enjoy getting together with a few quilty friends just for sewing, chatting, laughing. Your selection of fabrics is reminding me of an I-spy quilt! It will be fun one!

  8. You are right about the "no pink" about neo-natal quilts. In general, I stick to green, yellow and purple. Red/orange is ok. Hope you have fun at the retreat and get lots done. Your September goal is a beauty!!!

  9. Love the quilt pattern you chose! Have a wonderful time at the retreat, all that prep work is going to let you have so much fun!

  10. Have fun on your retreat! Can't wait to see what all you get done there. Be sure to have fun too! Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. What a terrific project to take on retreat! With the pieces precut you'll get it done in no time. Thanks for linking up to Wednesday Wait Loss.


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