
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Monday Meanderings 9 - 4 - 2017 & Stashbusting Report

It's all downhill to the end of the year now.  The time will be flying by if previous years are any indication.  

First up is an opportunity to help the people of Houston and surrounding areas.  Sarah who blogs at Confessions of a Fabricholic has put out an appeal for pillowcases for kids and quilts.  You can read all about it at her blog on Saturday.  She gives a link for directions for the pillowcases and the address to send them to once you've got them made.  Guess what I spent most of my weekend on? Yep, pillowcases.  2 cases already finished. (I did another one today but picture is from Saturday.) 

And fabric to make 3 more is ready to be cut.  I should have 8 pillowcases ready to go to Sarah's church in Tennessee by Wednesday.  I may make some more after the initial batch.  But, truth be told,  I didn't often buy 1 yard pieces of fabric.  Of course, I've changed from buying a half yard to a yard a year or two ago.  I get irritated when I need 3/4 yard and I have to really scrounge to find that much fabric. What's your go-to amount of fabric when you buy on "speculation?"  Mine is 1 yard pieces.  

Since the month ended last week it is time to share my fabric usage figures.  Not a bad month even though I did buy 3 hunks of fabric from Sew It's For Sale yahoo group.  

Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I'm happy I'm controlling my fabric purchases.  This month may be a disaster as I'm heading through Lancaster county in a couple of weeks.  I'm starting a list of fabric I actually need rather than I want although I've noticed my orange fabrics are getting used up so I hope to add at least a yard of orange.  

I did pretty well on my goals but I spent time at the grand's house and then came home ready to sit and read so I didn't do as much as I should have.  
August 28, 2017
Spend a couple of days with the grands√
Keep hand quilting Civil War Quilt√ (this is being put on the back burner while I work on ornaments for the grands.)
Bind geese & floral wallhanging√
Make some fabric boxes√√
Find backing for Streak of Lightening√ & quilt it

And coming up this week: 
September 4, 2017
Quilt Streak of Lightening
Make last 2 fabric boxes
Cut out new quilt for retreat
Make pillowcases
Finish placemats 

That's it for me today.  I'm linking up with my favorite Monday linky parties: Monday Making, (technical difficulties and family time!)  Moving It ForwardMain Crush Monday and Oh Scrap. (I'll post the rest as they become available and I remember to check them!) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. We all lament, "Where did the summer go?" There's been a lot written about the best ways to help the people affected by Harvey. The pillowcases will be a cheerful accent for renovated bedrooms (and new bedding).

  2. I usually purchase at least 1 yard of fabric and very rarely purchase fat quarters unless the price is too good to pass. Sometimes, I'll purchase 2 yards if the fabric speaks to me.

  3. Great job on the 8 pillowcases for Houston! I still buy fat quarters, so have to really scrounge around for enough for a pillowcase.

  4. I agree that once this time of year hits, it seems that the rest of the year flies by. Usually, I start scrambling to get things finished by Christmas. The pillowcases look fantastic. Thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out and see if I can get some put together this week. Happy sewing! Andrea

  5. I've been leaning towards at least a yard in my purchases more and more. I started with fat quarters to get variety quickly, though. I enjoy making pillow cases, and Sarah has certainly found a good cause. Yours are looking cute!

  6. Depends on what I'm looking for. I do half yard cuts for scrappy projects and then at least a yard if it's "I like it" fabric. Hope you did well with this week's goals.


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