
Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday Meanderings 10 - 2 - 2017

Post Retreat! 
Retreat was -- fun, fabulous, well organized, tiring and yet also relaxing!  Just a few thoughts on Country Piecemaker's retreat near Harrisonburg, Va.  I've been going to this retreat for 7 years and they keep getting better and better.  Since I've moved an hour and a half away I don't make it to guild meetings often.  But I so enjoyed seeing everyone and sewing with friends.  Sharon has been coming to it for 6 years.  (They have always taken outside folks and when Sharon first started they had spaces to fill.) We have a couple of ladies from Ohio and one from Connecticut.  

I didn't take too many pictures but I will share what I have over the next few days.  Here are some of the things I worked on over the four days. 
A reindeer ornament. Some how seeing this as a picture I'm thinking, "a bell for a tongue???" Hum, looking at the pattern picture I may have sewn the bell on too tight.  When I first did the piecing I made a mistake which I didn't notice until after I turned him.  Oh well.  So, he looks more like a bull than a reindeer! You can see him made up the way he is suppose to look here.

My big project was an epic failure.  Here's a reminder of what the block looked like.  I had planned to make 19 more of these blocks, put them together, and put two borders on.  Well, er, um ... I didn't count correctly.  I needed 8 of the navy blue pieces for each block.  Somehow I only cut enough of the pieces to make 10 blocks all together.  No one has ever said I can do math.  Evidently, I can't count either.  I have half the blocks done.  It's an epic failure because it was suppose to be my One Monthly Goal.  Um, no, didn't get it finished.  I was wondering if something would go wrong when I planned to make this at retreat during the last 3 days of September.  Oh well, I'll be deciding my next monthly goal in the next few days. 

Below is my back-up project -- I evidently counted just fine with this project.  It went together fast and accurately. (Phew, glad something got totally done!) 
And a closeup:
I'll be sharing more about retreat and pictures this week.  I am fairly shocked to know I didn't take very many pictures at all.  I guess I was too busy chatting and sewing. 

Needless to say I have mostly failures this week when I look at the goals. I'm not stressing over any of it as I did have one big success and that was having fun at retreat! 
Sept 25, 2017
Finish quilting Trip Around the World not yet,
Make and add binding to TAW well, not yet
Piece 2 baby quilts um, 1 finished, 1 fail
Finish snowman mini quilt√ except for hand sewingthebinding down
Finish reindeer ornament√ except for hot gluing the lights on
Have a GREAT time at retreat! √√√√√ Victory!

October 2, 2017
Cut out & piece star quilt
Finish quilting TAW (assuming Ruthie is fixed!) 
Prep fabrics for weekend class
Enjoy classes in Maryland 

I have a busy week so some of these goals may not happen based on whether the long arm is fixed in time.  If not, I should be able to get the Ninja Star quilt top finished. (Assuming I don't goof off too much!) 

I'm connecting with my regular linky parties: Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, Oh ScrapMoving It Forward.  I'm looking forward to cruising the blogs to see what other folks are doing.  

That's it for me today. 
Happy Quilting!  Bonnie


  1. The baby quilt is adorable! If you had a good time, the retreat was a success.

  2. Good thing you had a back up project! (Could you have improvised on the star blocks with other background fabric? Though I know very well if you get fixed on a design idea it's really hard to budge from it.) Glad the retreat was a success.

  3. The backup project turned out wry nicely, so cute. Glad to know I'm not the only math failure around. We,could probably have a club and award booby prizes. They never tell you how much math is involved in Quilting. Glad you had such a good time with your friends.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.