
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rinse, Repeat OMG

Do you remember old shampoo that said wash, rinse and repeat?  That's what I feel like this is.  A rinse and a repeat of my September One Monthly Goal.  That goal just didn't get done because I didn't count the pieces correctly and ran out of them after 10 blocks while I was on retreat, at the end of the month.  Sigh.  Here's 9 of them that did get done. 
I must say I really like how it is turning out even if I didn't get the 20 blocks all made, bordered and a complete top during September.  My OMG for October is to get this quilt to top stage.  If I'm really lucky I'll get it quilted and bound during the month but I'm not offering up that as my goal.  I'm ready for another success! 

Happily, I can report that Ruthie, the long arm, is repaired and quilting like a champ.  I've finished another row of quilting with 3 more to go.  Darn this holly design is really dense as it is taking 25+ minutes to stitch each row.  But I must say it looks terrific on the Christmas trip around the world.  My preference is for looser quilting but I am thrilled with the results so far.  

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal October Link-Up and Mid-Week Makers.  Take some time to see what folks are working on around the Internet.  

That's it for me.  I've got to get downstairs to finish quilting my Trip Around the World today. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. I really do love those blocks! Glad you've got Ruthie up and running smoothly. I look forward to seeing the quilted holly design. Happy sewing! Andrea

  2. I love that you named your longarm Ruthie! Glad to hear she's back in the saddle, stitching up many, many holly leaves.

  3. The blocks look fantastic! Good to hear that Ruthie is working steadily again.

  4. Fun blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  5. Those blocks are not easy and the matching of points carefully does slow you down. Ask me how I know :-) Therefore, it is perfectly fine to enjoy the process and move the goal-achievement-stick to the next month.

  6. This one is pretty, no matter what size. Good to hear Ruthie is all better - all smiles at your place! Thanks for sharing today.

  7. I don't know how September went by so quickly! I hope you can get all your blocks done this month--it's going to be a very cool quilt!

  8. Those are very fun blocks. Good luck with your October goal!

  9. Oh, I like these blocks a lot. They look complicated to make but after looking for a few minutes, I finally decided each point is made with a piece on either side to create a square, then four squares are sewn together. It's too bad you didn't get them finished last month but I'm sure you will this month. It will be a great quilt!

  10. So very pretty! The colors really pop against that black background! Thank you for sharing!


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