
Thursday, November 2, 2017

November OMG & Stashbusting Efforts

It's time to decide on my November One Monthly Goal.  While I was trying to decide what to work on this month it dawned on me that I really had to have all Christmas presents bought and wrapped by the second weekend of December because I had all sorts of other plans for the rest of the month.  So, knowing that, I decided to make my goal present-oriented.  Natalie has her new American Girl doll so I will be making doll clothes for it.  My goal is to make 2 complete outfits (sans shoes...) during November. 
I bought this great book a couple of months ago at Quilter's Corner in Midlothian, VA.  It has quite a few different style outfits including 2 dresses, several pants, the coat and pjs.  And, notice the little dog.  Hum, do I want to try to make the dog?  
Here's the dress and jacket I've already cut out.  Both the bodice and the jacket are lined.  Unfortunately the shoe pattern isn't included.   I'll be starting on it soon.  So two doll outfits is my goal for the month.  

Next up is my stash busting statistics.  I just realized I didn't post the September results.  So here are the stats for both months.
Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I bought a lot of fabric in September because I was shopping in Lancaster County.  But I added to the stash in October too.  Luckily, I had a couple of  finishes that counter-balanced the additions to the stash. In October I made lots of pillowcases to donate to hurricane relief and to Ryan's Case for Smiles. In October I finished my Christmas Trip Around the World.  That used up a nice amount of fabric.  What tickled me about it is I was able to use up several smaller bits of fabric that I'd had for a long time.  

I suspect I won't have much fabric used during November.  But I will be getting some doll clothes finished! 

Link ups for today include Elm Street Quilts' One Monthly Goal November Goal Setting and Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation. I'm heading over to these two sites to see what sewists are up to today.  Hope you take a look too. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. My mother LOVED making doll clothes. I had a TON of them, and I hated playing with dolls! When I lost my computer in the flood last year, I lost the format for my fabric usage spreadsheet. I may have to steal yours, it is close to what I had.

  2. Hi Bonnie. Cute projects. Good luck with your finishes - I'm sure it will be very nice for you to get some things off the Christmas list early. :)

  3. What a fun project! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  4. Don't forget to make a pair of PJs and a quilt for the doll. Matching PJs for Nathalie would be a big hit.

  5. The outfit is so cute! There are all kinds of free instructions on making shoes online.

  6. Very cute! Good luck with your stitching plans for November.

  7. Great idea, making this your One Monthly Goal! However did you manage to find fabrics matching the photo in the book. I look forward to seeing this one finished.



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