
Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday Meanderings & OMG Success! 10 - 30 - 2017

Let's start with the success!  Yes, I was able to complete the "Ninja Stars" top this month. YEA! It was last month's goal in the One Monthly Goal challenge so I am happy with the finish. I'm not sure when it will get quilted as I have to find/make/buy a backing.  But here it is in all of its cuteness. (You can click on all the pictures and they will enlarge.) 
I really like the concept behind this quilt.  Cute conversation prints with blenders make up the stars.  What I failed to realize is it's a pain to deal with those corners where so many layers of fabric meet.  Some corners met perfectly but lots did not.  I'm not worrying about it as whoever gets this quilt will no doubt love it.  It will be a charity quilt but I haven't decided on which charity I'll give it.  I hope to get it on Ruthie to quilt soon.

Did I mention I won one of the drawings for the August OMG challenge? No, I didn't think I did.  Well, yep, I did -- it was a $25 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter shop.  OOOOhhhh.  It took me a while to make up my mind.  But after careful review of all the wonderful products I made my decisions.  
I chose a small charm pack called Ready for Take Off and a small jelly roll of batiks.  These were both considered "small" because there weren't as many pieces in the packs.  I believe the charm pack had 20 pieces and the jelly roll -- maybe 20 too.  I know I'll use the charm pack for a baby quilt for a NICU but have no idea what I'll do with the jelly roll.  It'll be fun to work with these though.  I'll need to find a go-with fabric for the charm pack and get going on it. 

Guess what?  I FINALLY cleaned off the front of my cutting table.  It was a total mess. Left over fabric was layered on it.  It was like a archeological dig going through some of those fabrics.  One from early spring, a couple from mid summer, and a few leftover pieces from Ninja Stars.  Right now the table looks great!  I could actually cut on both sides of the table or open up the Go and cut some pieces.  It helps that I put away a container I was collecting blocks from my FCQ Equilters.  And, I filed some papers. (Or did I just move them somewhere else?  I'm not sure which.  Oops.) But I'm pleased that I could actually cut something out there if I wanted to. Let's see how long it will take to fill it up again?! 

My goal list is, well, ok is all I can say.  Not fabulous and not horrible. You would think with only 4 items I could finish them all.  Not to be.  Ruthie is unhappy with the thread I chose for the charity quilt so she isn't cooperating.  Or she was  cranky.  Who knows.  
October 23, 2017
Make last kite block and sew blocks into top
Make and mail FCQ Equilter pinwheel blocks ugh… no
Pick a charity top and quilt it √ Loaded
Clean the front side of the cutting table

October 30, 2017
Make and mail FCQ Equilter pinwheel blocks
Start more doll clothes
Finish quilting charity quilt
Work on cross stitch ornaments

Linking up with my regular linky parties: Oh Scrap!Monday MakingMain Crush MondayMoving It Forward and Elm Street Quilt's One Monthly Goal Finish Link Up .  Hope you can spend some time checking out what folks have been working on. 

I'm going to spend a little time checking these links out and then head down to the studio.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Great quilt! I had trouble with the corners also and decided to put 1” finished smashing strips in between the blocks. I think next time I use this die, I will be more careful not to stretch the bias edges and will press the seams open.

  2. Congratulations on winning the OMG prize! I like the stars quilt and so will whoever receives it. A clean cutting table is a good thing.

  3. What a bright and lively finish. Black always brings out the best. Your cutting tables are like a dream come true. But the more surfaces we have, the more stuff we cover them with!

  4. I love your ninja stars top, Bonnie! And you made me laugh about the archaeological dig through your cutting table clutter. I'm afraid my cutting table is in exactly the same state right now. Maybe I just need to tap into my inner Indiana Jones and storm my studio like it's King Tut's tomb!

  5. The Stars quilt is cheerful and a lot of fun. The recipient will love it.

    I spent some time putting things away this morning. My cutting table is now clean, too, but I still have a stack of scrap fabric that needs to be cut into useable sizes.

  6. Oh, that Ninja Stars is a beauty.

    You have a bigger cutting table than I do so I'm stuck with clearing the mountain more often. I hate that chore.

  7. Those stars are so bright and happy. Congratulations on finishing your one monthly goal!

  8. Your Ninja Stars is absolutely stunning! You did it - you met your monthly goal - and won a prize! Yea for prizes! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Love the quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  10. The quilt will be loved for sure. It is so fun!

  11. Congrats on getting Ninja Stars to the finished flimsy stage. I love those bright novelty fabrics with the black. Hope Ruthie gives you a break and starts purring along for you.

  12. Well done on your Ninja Stars finish. I like it a lot. Congratulations on winning a prize. I love your comment about the archeological dig..... I could currently do one of those in my space too. Hahaha.


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