
Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday Meandering 2 - 26 - 2018

What a week!  I try to post a blog at least twice a week but that sure didn't happen last week.  It was a wonderful week but I'm ready for a slower pace this week!

First up was Bonnie Hunter's Jamestown Landing class.  I had a lot of the units ready to go so I was ahead of the game.  I was making string blocks in the morning with everyone else.  I had less than half of them done so it made sense to me to work on them.  
My featherweight in the midsts of sewing.  For once my area stayed fairly organized and neat. Well kind of neat
In the afternoon while Bonnie was teaching how to make the half triangle squares I sewed some together and made the broken dishes unit.  Since I am a stickler about ironing I really only got one block together.  However I did continue to make the units.  
Here are some of the finished blocks.  Mine is the light turquoise in the middle.  It amazed me how it really went well with the other colors. 
I got a kick out of these quilty looking shoes.  Sorry it isn't a great photo but I thought they were fun. 
Wednesday evening I went to Bonnie's trunk show.  I know I've seen many of the quilts in books or online but there is just something about seeing them in person. I'll try to remember to share a picture or two in upcoming blogs. 

I was able to sew on these blocks several times this week but not enough to make all that much progress.  I laughed at the one block I made on Thursday.  It was wrong by one turn of one piece.  Sigh. I've put this away for a few days so I can get some other things finished. 

Friday Mary and I went to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt show down in Hampton, Virginia.  We go for the day and enjoy the quilts and the vendors.  I had quite a shopping list and was ready to spend some money if I could find what I wanted.  In the end I was disappointed.  One thing I like to do is get my long arm thread at the Superior booth.  Turns out this year they had really cut back on the colors of So Fine thread they carried.  I had 6 cones I was interested in and they only had 2 of them.  The discount applied to 3 so I didn't get any of them.  Now, I'll have to find another source, hopefully one whose price is lower than Superior's online list price with reasonable shipping costs. 

I did buy a roll of Pellon batting that I've already cut off a hunk to use.  I like Pellon's bats, especially the ones with some poly in with the cotton.  I was able to buy a roll of 80/20 cotton/poly.  Getting it to Mary's car wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be!  

Saturday was a fast trip to Maryland to see Natalie play basketball.  She can't shoot but boy does that girl have hustle!  She's in a kindergarten league. It was a lot of fun to  watch the girls try to play basketball. Amazingly some of them can actually shoot baskets.  Natalie, not yet.  But with her hustle she'll probably be able to eventually. 

Sunday we stayed home.  Phew, I needed a day of rest.  Except I didn't.  I loaded up the backing for the Plus quilt and started quilting it.  I finished 3 rows (or was it 4?) and finally quit as I was tired. Here's a sneak peek.
This quilt, finished, is my One Monthly Goal.  I am really trying to get it finished by the end of the month.  And I am hoping the Alphabet Challenge quilt is completely done too.  Hopefully I will succeed! 

Usually I post my weekly goals on Monday.  I think I'll move them to a different day of the week.  Hum, now which day makes the most sense?  I'm still thinking about that so for now, my goals aren't going to be posted.  Just know that I am still working on them, diligently! 

That's it for me now. With any luck I will remember to share my purchases from the last week. I'm looking forward to spending a bit of time cruising on the Internet this week since I didn't do much of that last week!  I'm linking up with my regular Monday linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Moving It Forward, and Main Crush Monday

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. What a full week! So jealous for the class with Bonnie, she is such a jewel.

  2. Busy week but it sure sounds fun. Love your block. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Hi Bonnie,
    What a whirlwind week! Lots of go, go, going but in fun ways. I love that you got a little quilting done for your OMG. There's still a few days left to the month so hopefully no worries for you there. I look forward to seeing your purchases. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh, I really like the quilting on your plus quilt! Those maple leaves are really neat :) You had a busy, busy week!

  5. You sure kept busy this week. All the blocks look great from Bonnie's class. The leaf quilting is beautiful.

  6. Little ones are such fun to watch as they learn sport skills. I love when they stop playing to help someone who has fallen or whose crying.

    The maple leaves look wonderful on your Plus quilt.

  7. What fun!! Bonnie is always full of good ideas.

  8. What a week! Glad you had a good time with TOB (The Other Bonnie). And a major quilt show to boot. Hope you can regather this week. Oh, and congratulations on the OMG finish!

  9. This post reminds me that I need to get back to my Jamestown Landing blocks--hopefully I can find them--lol! So fun to see everyone's blocks together!

  10. What a fun week! and that jamestown landing is so cool!!


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