
Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday Meanderings 2 - 19 - 2018

Progress is being made on the Alphabet Challenge quilt.  I've got one more "word" to stitch on the top border and then it is on to the bottom border.  

Once the top and bottom borders are done I can bind it and call it done!  Hopefully by the end of this month.  
Big thanks go out to our granddaughter, Natalie, for buying us flowers yesterday.  We had a quick lunch with them and then off to watch her big sister's basketball game.  Then we zipped home (note -- you NEVER can zip home traveling on I 95.  It was a mess for part of the way.) Then we met my best friend from high school for dinner.  We've been in touch infrequently but whenever we get together we have a great time.  They live about an hour north west of us.  It was so much fun to catch up and remember previous times together.  
You might notice I'm not sharing much on the quilting front.  Yes, I've been working away but lots of what I've been working on are half square triangles and string blocks.  You've heard about them -- a lot. You've seen them -- a lot.  I'm closing in on the 840 (or was it 860?) I need to make.  I think I just need to make another 150 or so.  I still need 100 of the string blocks. Not my favorite but I am plugging away on it.  And, surprise!  Tomorrow is the class.  Hopefully I will take some pictures to share from it and the Bonnie Hunter lecture the next night.

And, then there is the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival on Friday.  I've got 2 and a half months of pent up shopping to do.  I've got a list. I'm motivated -- we'll see if I go wild or not.  What 2 and a half months you ask? I haven't bought any fabric since November -- right after Thanksgiving.  Yea, I've got pent up shopping motivation!  

My goals got mostly done this past week.  And my list is pretty selective this week since so much else is going on. 
February 12, 2018
Sew more triangles and string blocks for class
Sew plus quilt together
Send Valentine’s cards to the grands
Keep sewing on the Alphabet Challenge
Work on Taps quilt
February 19, 2018
Prep for and attend Bonnie Hunter’s Jamestown Landing class (Whoop! Whoop!)
Attend Bonnie’s lecture
Attend Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show
Finish hand sewing on Alphabet Challenge
Put borders on Taps Quilt

Make 2 pillowcases

I'm linking up with my regular parties today: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Moving it Forward and Main Crush Monday. I'll be sneaking time this week to see what's up with quilters around the Internet.  I'm really hoping I don't find some wonderful quilt I just have to make. I've got enough going and UFOs for now! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Have fun at BH's class! Safe travel and happy shopping.

  2. Hi Bonnie,
    840 HSTs - holy moly. I thought making 544 was a lot, but who's counting. Have fun at BH's class and lecture. I know you will enjoy the quilt show and find some new inspiration and many tempting things to buy. Enjoy! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Wow! I can't imagine that many pieces. Have fun!

  4. Ha ha! You have Shoppus Interruptus, a very painful condition cured only with fabric purchases. A severe case can a dozen or more yards to cure :)

  5. Enjoy class. Tell Bonnie H swooze said hi!!

  6. Enjoy your time with Bonnie! Love the stitched words on your quilt.

  7. You've been busy! Hope the BH class was all you expected.

  8. Oh your dog quilt is very cute. You are so disciplined with fabric - have a blast. That's a very impressive list. And the session with Bonnie Hunter (drool, envy, but have a great time).


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