
Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Meanderings 3 - 12 - 2018

I've been making steady progress on my Jamestown Landing quilt.  Mostly I've been making broken dishes units.  But I have made a few more blocks.  Here they are on the design wall.
Hum, there are a lot of the more green than turquoise pieces.  I won't be putting rows or bigger squares together now since I really want to mix up the fabrics a lot.  At the class I lost count of how many half triangle squares I'd made.  I keep making some but who knows whether I need lots more or 5 more.  I do know I will make some pillow shams so I'll need extra blocks.  I haven't been working on the string blocks at all.  I think I need 100 more of those.  I prefer the blocks that look more white with less beiges in them.  Me thinks I'll be making more of those then I need too. 

My OMG is showing progress.  In fact, when I looked at it last night I realized I probably have enough of the blocks done.  I've even got a few extra of those blocks ready to put into a doll quilt.  

Although this week was busy I did squeeze in a little shopping time.  Yes, I enhanced my stash a bit.  Although all purchases except one were for specific quilts.  I'm a fan of Kona solid fabrics these days.  So when they were on sale at JoAnn stores and there was a 25% off all purchases I went over to pick some up.  Royal, red and white. (No this isn't the color scheme of a new quilt!)  The multi-color fabric was really hard to find this year.  In fact, this doesn't have quite the colors I was hoping for.  I wanted more primary colors but this will do.  Hum, don't know when I'll get to either of these projects.  One may get cut out and go with me to the retreat in May. 
The Alabama T shirt quilt I'm making for a customer is now to the point I can make real progress on. I've got the design planned.  It's time to execute it.  First up is trimming the shirts to a bit bigger than needed and adding the stabilizer.  I would love to get that done this week.  

I'm linking up to my regular linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward.  Go get a cup of tea (or coffee, just not my thing!) and spend some time seeing what is going on across the internet. 

Happy Quilting! Bonnie 


  1. I don't purchase a lot of solid fabric, but I do like Kona Snow instead of a stark white.

    Your blocks look fantastic and waiting to sew them together will give you more control of the color arrangement.

  2. I love those blue and green shades in your broken dishes blocks. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Your Jamestown Landing is looking great!! My friend is in the middle of quilting hers (in a similar colorway.) It is a stunning quilt, so keep up the good work!


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