
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Weekly Goal Report

Last week had it's busy days but I still did pretty well on my goals. 

March 6, 2018
Work on T Shirt quilt – finish plan, start backing tees and trimming to correct sizes the plan is done (see below.) 
Make a pillowcase or twoActually, I got 3 more done and delivered.
Work on Jamestown LandingI'm still using this as my leader ender.
Load and quilt Taps quilt Nope, didn’t happen.

Attend USC Day of SCerviceIt was a busy but very fun day.  By Sunday I was totally worn out although I did spend a little time in the studio. 

Here's the plan for this week. 
March 13, 2018
Work on T Shirt quilt -- hopefully I'll get all of the shirts backed and start sewing them together.  My goal is to have this completely done by May 1. 

Enter quilts in Faithful Circle quilt show -- the deadline is March 19th!

Load and quilt Patriotic Dog quilt for Taps

Work on Jamestown Landing

Work on Braid Shuffle #2

Work on the little rail fence quilt I got with the fabrics from the estate last week.  This would make a nice quilt for the nursing home that Country Piecemakers support.  There are a lot of pieces already cut so I'm adding this to my list of what I'll do as leaders and enders. 

Below are 2 tee shirt quilts I wanted to share with you from the Mid Atlantic Quilt Show.  Unfortunately, I didn't think to get a close up of who made them.  I took pictures for inspiration.  

I've spent a bit of time trying to figure out how this one was put together.  I think it was done in horizontal chunks. I can definitely see two from the middle to the bottom.  But the top section or two?  Maybe using partial seams the quilter could get the sections together.  What do you think?
Another great example with a lot of tee shirts of all different sizes.  
The tee shirt I am making for my customer is a cool collection of University of Alabama shirts.  They are all different sizes and she wants everything that is printed used. She doesn't want them sashed.  It took a lot of thinking to come up with my plan but I finally succeeded. 
There will be three columns of shirts that are 15" wide separated by 2 columns  6" wide.  I'll have to add filler fabric to the smaller columns.  And, I'll cut the column 1 tees longer to make up the same size as the other two columns.  
You can't imagine how happy I was when I finally got this plan together. (Click on the photo to enlarge to make it easier to see the design.)  

Please visit the following linky parties to see what else is happening in studios across the world.  Visit To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers and WIPS on Wednesdays.  Ok, I totally forgot to link up with Midweek Makers last week. And again this week. Sorry all!   I will try to remember this week.  (note to self...put a reminder in the calendar!) 

Happy quilting all!  Bonnie 


  1. Looking forward to seeing your plan come together. I use graph paper a lot for plotting quilts and blocks.

  2. Those are 2 great examples of t-shirt quilts! I've been wondering how to quilt the one I'm working on! Your plan looks great! Can't wait to see it come together!

  3. Your plan looks fantastic and I can't wait to see it all come together!!

  4. I've got a Pinterest board for t-shirt quilt settings. There are so many clever ideas! (I hate making t-shirt quilts but they are good fundraisers.)


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.