
Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday Meandering & Stash Busting Statistics 6 - 18 - 2018

I guess I've been really goofing off on my stash busting statistics recently.  I was surprised to see I hadn't added April's statistics to my spread sheet.  I was figuring the May statistics and oops!  I am two months behind.  So below are my numbers for both months.  Not too bad overall.  
Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I've still used more fabric than I've purchased overall but I have been buying a bit more than I'm using.  Hum, could that be because I am working on Jamestown Landing, a big quilt that will be taking a lot more time before it is finished. I probably need to be careful on my purchases over the next few months.  And, get some projects finished! 

Here's a new top I finished this week.  I started it at retreat in May. The airplane fabric came from the estate fabric.  It had been used for a backing fabric and this was leftover after the quilt was trimmed. I took the pieces and picked out all of the stitches that had run into the edges.  Found fabric!  Perfect for a cute boy's charity quilt.  

 So over this week I've been working on the "Celebrate" blocks.(Here's where I showed the fabric pull.) And here's what it is going to look like: 

Guess what! I've got all the blocks finished. I worked really hard to get them done but now I'm waiting a bit until I put it together.  I've had quite a few customer quilts and projects to work on so I'll be focusing on finishing those over this upcoming week. 

So, what about those goals I set last week?  Well, most have been done or at least started! Oops! I forgot all about the secret project.  Must get going on that this week. 

June 11, 2018
Make more blocks for Beachside Bungalow project All done! 
Make some pillowcases 1 done, 3 more to do
Begin design process for secret project Eek -- I forgot about doing this! 
Bind Civil War Quilt √ well, binding is made and ready to put
Quilt a quilt (mine or customers….)
June 18, 2018
Finish 3 more pillowcases
Finish Civil War Quilt binding 
Begin design process for secret project
Start putting Beachside Bungalow together
Start quilting another quilt

I'm linking up with my normal linky parties.  Join me in spending some time surfing the internet this week.  Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, Moving It Forward, and Design Wall Monday.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. What cheerful colors for the Beachside blocks! Great multi-colored background, too. And how great to be able to squeeze out one more quilt from the estate sale fabric.

  2. So pretty! Love the brights as always. You sure get a lot done. You go, girl!

  3. I seriously love the Celebrate blocks; the fabric and design work well together. Isn't it fun to use backing trimmings for other quilts - definitely "found" fabric.

  4. I would never have guessed that the blocks were put together this way. I thought you started with a snowball in the center. It will be fantastic when you are finished. Writing goals down...great idea. I should do that.

  5. The celebrate blocks just shout Happy! They are so bright and colorful. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress on those.

  6. I really like that cute airplane fabric piece! It looks a bit like an attic windows design where the view out the window is a very lively airshow :)
    louise dot hornor at gmail

  7. Ooh! I love that airplane fabric. What a cute quilt.

  8. Those celebrate blocks are named perfectly! The colors are so happy and I love that background print.

  9. Love those celebrate blocks, they look like confetti. Very fun.

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