
Sunday, June 17, 2018

Hands 2 Help Finish

Here are the two quilts I will be sending to Little Lambs for Kids Foundation.  Yes, I am extremely late based on when Sarah called for sending and posting and the like.  But, but... ok, I can get ridiculously behind on things.  Truth told I was probably finished with one of the quilts in time and the other probably only needed it's binding.  But I know the Little Lambs will appreciate these quilts whenever they receive them.   

First up is the one I made from opportunity blocks.  You can read about moving these blocks from just a group of blocks I won at a guild meeting to becoming a quilt in this guest post on Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Here's the finished quilt out in the sunshine.  (That was in short supply for much of this spring....)

This was quilted with a design called Mermaid Fingers.  I love using Mermaid Fingers and it really worked well on this quilt.   

I showed the other quilt earlier.  But here's the finished Looney Tunes quilt again. You can read about it here.

In honor of Father's Day I thought I would share some wood toys that Pat has been making.  Theo got one for Christmas -- a dump truck. (Sorry I couldn't find a picture.)   However, I'm pretty sure Kevin wasn't going to let him play with it for a while.  Here are a front loader and a truck. 

He has as much fun making these as I do making my quilts.  It's nice to have a hobby.  One of these days I'll show what he's made for my quilting time!  

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap and Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop? Enjoy some down time and check out what folks are sharing on these linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. What sweet toys! So nice for hubby to have a hobby, too. I wish mine did, but currently his hobby is making sure I'm happy, so I can't complain!

  2. The toys are elegant! Like Libby, I wish my husband had a hobby, but I'm delighted that he likes to read. The bright-with-black quilt is a striking design. Congratulations on the finishes.

  3. What great gifts of love and you both are so talented--
    thanks for your giving-
    enjoy, di

  4. What a talented household! Love both the wooden toys and the quilts. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. Great finishes by both you and Pat. The wooden toys are fabulous and will last many generations.

  6. The quilts look bright and happy. I'm sure they will be a comfort to the children who receive them. Your husband's woodworking is amazing. The toys are beautifully detailed.

  7. I'm completely behind in sending in my H2H quilts, too. As you said, they can always use them, no matter when the quilts arrive. Yours look great, very cuddly for the kids at Little Lambs. And your DH's toys are truly works of art!
    louise dot hornor at gmail

  8. I love the wooden toys, he is very talented indeed!
    I stopped in as I thought your quilt had been made with the five and dime I can't tell.

  9. Congrats on the two finishes. Sometimes things just get done when they get done. I really like the Loony Toons quilt. Those wooden toys are beautiful. Your Guy is very talented too.


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