
Thursday, July 5, 2018

July OMG and Transporting

Ha! I bet you are wondering what or who is transporting.  I think I've watched a few too many old Star Trek episodes now that we've found a channel that carries it right when we would be shutting off the tv. Do you like Star Trek? Keep reading for info on transporting. 

I've found a worthy goal for my July One Monthly Goal.  
I volunteered to quilt this top for my local quilt guild.  Except, the edges were way too uneven and strangely pieced.  There wasn't enough for the backing. I looked at all the fabric I had.  I asked if the guild had some. Hum.  Fast forward 3/4th of a year and I finally just went and bought some fabric at JoAnn's with a coupon.  Not a bad deal.  I should have enough for a small border and enough for the backing too.  (Unless my math is rotten -- we'll see.) 

Anyway here's my goal:
Put border on 25 patch and doggie quilt.  
Make backing. Quilt top. 
I'm not including the binding as I'm hoping I can find someone else to do that! You might be wondering about the 25 patch. The guild does a bingo night so the patches were made by everyone participating in the game.  I'm wondering what happened with the ones from this year.  

ANNOUCEMENT! I forgot to mention I won one of the prizes from last month's goal.  I won a 6 month digital subscription to Make Modern!  I'm looking forward to getting my first issue tomorrow. Thanks to Patty at Elm Street Quilts for arranging all of the prizes. And thanks to the folks at Make Modern for offering this subscription.  They are providing 6 month subscriptions every month this year.  Wow!  Thanks. 

First let me say, no, I wasn't driving.  Pat was willing to pick this guy up in Fredericksburg and transport him to Richmond to Debbie of Springer Farm.  I've volunteered with Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel for years.  Several times a week I read the Yahoo Group mail and approve or reject as needed.  I also answer the email to our main web page.  I have done 1 previous transport. (yea, I'm not that much into transporting...but this guy was close and we only had to drive him an hour.)  He was a perfect gentleman.  He also was clean, smart and probably an alpha dog.  The transfer was made and he'll be spending some time at Springer Farm.  And, then he'll find a forever home.  Do you live in the Mid-Atlantic region?  Are you looking for a dog?  You can see all the Springers currently in MAESSR's care by going to their web page.  He's not up yet but he will be in the next week or less.  Springers are wonderful pets -- loving, velcro (as in attached to their people) and funny.  Our Raggs was from MAESSR although he happened to be a cocker spaniel.  I told people he was a miniature springer. (And, some believed me!) 

I was also able to get some new fabric while down in Richmond.  I hit The Blue Crab Quilt store to find some backing and binding fabric for Celebrate.  I'm ready to get that top done.  I'm halfway through sewing the rows together so it should be completed today. 

Did you notice the changes on the side bar?  I've added Christmas in July sponsored by Sarah of Confessions of a Fabric Addict. (Also sponsor of the Hands 2 Help event.  She's a busy girl.) It start July 14th and runs to July 25.  I'll be participating on Monday, July 23rd. Rumor has it there might be a give away that day too.  I have to figure that out! 

Linky parties today are Elm Street Quilts and Needle and Thread Thursday.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Springers ARE wonderful - great personalities and disposition.

  2. Good project. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. Congrats on winning a prize! Very cute doggo :)

  4. Good luck with your goal for July. And congrats on the prize from last month. Such a cute little guy. The SIT has been begging for a dog for years, but I'm very, very allergic to animal dander, so we can't have one in the house.

  5. My first own dog was a English springer Spanien. She died 2011. I miss her every singel day. I now have a Golden Retriever and she is amazing too.


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