
Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday Meanderings 7 - 2 - 2018

Welcome July!  (Yes we are halfway through the year!) 

I'm sharing Beachside Bungalow, now known as Celebrate.  I had time today to lay out the blocks and I've got half of them sewn into rows.
The upper right side blocks to about the center are in rows.  Tuesday (or maybe today) I'll get more rows sewn together.  I'm loving this quilt!  I need to find some backing fabric for this one.  Maybe a nice bright red!  

I finished the customer quilt I showed here. It's nice to get another quilt finished and back into the hands of a happy owner.  I know I have a few more quilts coming in over the next few weeks.  Enough time to do my own quilts in between keeping Ruthie happy with other quilts.  (On the other hand I probably have 10 quilts of varying sizes of my own waiting to be quilted.  My thought is it takes less room to store an unquilted top.)  

It's my turn with my FCQ Equilters group. I checked my computer file for ideas but I just wasn't sure what I wanted to use.  Then I started looking at some of my books and found California Cruisin' by Terry Atkinson.  I thought her Stash Dash Fat Quarter quilt would be great.  This was my first sample block.  I decided I would ask for red, white and blue after I made this block.  I guess I'll make some more kid friendly blocks so this one can find a home.  

My goals didn't get completed but I know I had a lot of things on that list. I'm happy with what I did get done with though. 

June 25, 2018
Bind customer quilt
Add inner border to Jamestown Landing
Begin making string border for Jamestown Landing um, no didn't start
Work on red, white and blue heart quilt
Sash and sew together stripe blocks um, no again
Sew Beachside Bungalow (Celebrate) together√ started

July 2, 2018
Start sewing secret project
Begin making string border for Jamestown Landing
Sew Beachside Bungalow (celebrate) together 
Sew red, white and blue heart blocks together 
Quilt airplane quilt

I'm linking up to the following parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward. Those should keep us busy for a while! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Celebrate looks great!. A cherry red backing and a multi-stripe binding - aaah, yes!

  2. Celebrate is really moving along! You picked a great name for the quilt. Good luck with all your goals this week.

  3. Celebrate is good reason to celebrate! Beautiful!


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