
Friday, December 7, 2018

December OMG

For December One Monthly Goal I will (hopefully) 

Load and Quilt my Jamestown Landing Quilt! 
Here is the backing and the quilt top sitting on Ruthie. I probably won't load her until after the 17th.  We've got concerts coming up and things to do.  But, I might surprise myself and do it this coming week and get on with the quilting.  Time will tell.  

I haven't figured out what I'll use for the binding.  I'll probably need to buy some fabric for it but I'm going to wait until I've finished quilting it.  Who knows, maybe I have a big enough piece in my stash to make the binding. 

I'm taking several quilts and these pillowcases down to Country Piecemakers for our donation groups.  I'll post pictures soon -- yes, I've actually taken pictures of everything I'm donating tomorrow!  Here are 2 pillowcases I finished in November because I really hadn't used much fabric. I bought both of these fabrics on Black Friday, 2017 at JoAnn's Fabric Store.  I got a really good deal and was happy to be able to find the cuff and accent pieces in my stash.
Today I'm sneaking into the Elm Creak Quilt's OMG December Link Up party at the last minute (hours?) and Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. That's it for me today.  I'm going to do a little blog hopping to see what folks are working on or hoping to work on. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I love the colors you choose for the Jamestown Landing quilt. great job.

  2. The Jamestown landing quilt is lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  3. The colors of Jamestown Landing remind me of sea glass. It's a stunning quilt.

  4. I like the colors in your Jamestown Landing quilt too. Very peaceful, and looks like a beautiful quilt from what I can see. Do you make your top and backing extra large when you quilt on a frame, or do you add strips to attach it to the frame?

  5. Swoon!! I absolutely LOVE your Jamestown Landing quilt! Looking forward to its completion.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.