
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Monday Meanderings 12 - 10 - 2018

My goals list was shot to pieces as in I hardly did anything!  I did take pictures of all the quilts I've finished over the last few weeks though.  Several All were donated.  Up first is the rail fence quilt.  This started as another quilter's project.  After she died I was given her stash and projects.  I've used quite a few of her pieces for backings.  This rail fence had been started but not finished.  I decided it would be good to finish it and donate it to one of the charities Virginia Star Quilters support as she had been a member.  

These photos were taken near the end of the day and lighting was wonderful.  More dumb luck than skill but happy to have such decent photos.  The edge to edge design is Saffron Blossom by Apricot Moon.  Thread was So Fine but I don't remember which color.  Evidently it blended well with the various fabrics.   Oh well.  In this blog I asked for suggestions about the sashing.  I thought I liked the dark blue the best but I didn't have enough of it.  I had enough of this cranberry and I really like how it brightened up the piece.  

Next I finished this panel for CP.  The guild was given a lot of fabric from a man who was dealing with his wife's stash.  I'm not sure how or why he learned about Country Piecemakers but he did and donated a bunch of very usable fabric to us.  I volunteered to quilt several panels -- this is the only one I actually took a picture of. 
I like how the pattern really shows on this quilt and it almost looks like puffy clouds.  It's called Melody and was designed by Sarah Ann Myers.  I've liked the quilting results on every project I've put this design on.  I may actually use in on my Jamestown Landing quilt when I finally quilt it.  This went to the NICU at St. Francis Hospital in the Richmond area. 

Finally here is 9 Patch Garden.  The pattern is from one of the Quiltmakers magazines.  I was given quite a bit of fabric from a friend who is no longer quilting.  She was tickled to see this picture of her fabric and very pleased that it was going to a nursing home Country Piecemakers support.   I've got about a half yard of the flowerpot fabric left.  And, it was used on the back too.  Great use of the fabric and I was able to use a bit of my fabric too.  Must think about how the last piece of it can be used.

Most of these quilts won't give me large fabric usage but at least I am getting some of my fabrics used.  (9 patches, borders and bindings on 9 Patch Flower Garden and bindings on the other two and the sashing of the rail fence.)

Today we were hit with a winter storm.  Yikes.  It started snowing around 10 am and kept up until after dark.  In the end we probably only got 5" or so but that is a lot for our part of Virginia at this time of the year.  Here's a picture of the deer sculpture that is outside of our development.  During the warmer weather there is a fountain too.  Hum, the deer is about midway down on the left side.  She's kicking up her heels.  Unfortunately there is no where to park to actually get pictures of it so this was taken in a moving car.  The trees were covered in snow.  Hopefully tomorrow it will all melt and we can go back to getting things done! 
I'm almost embarrassed to share my goals this week.  I really didn't get all that much done. 
December 3, 2018
Load Jamestown Landing eek… didn’t do it 
Finish the Angel ornaments double eek … didn’t do it 
Sing Sparetime Singer’s Concert
Attend Country Piecemaker’s meeting
Pick a UFO and work on it oops — didn’t do it
Quilt a charity quilt and bind it finally I did something quilty! 
Work on a counted cross stitched ornament√ started yea! 

And here's what's happening this week:
December 10, 2018
Work on counted cross stitched ornament 
Embroider grand’s Christmas shirts 
Finish Angel ornaments
Attend 2 rehearsals and 2 performances for the Spotsylvanians 
Eye Appointment and Hair Cut! 
Have the family over for pizza 
Bind a charity quilt

There's a good chance I won't get all that much sewing done this week -- just too many other things happening. But I really want to finish the shirts for the grands so I can give them their shirt when they visit Sunday. (I'm hoping everyone will come to our afternoon concert and then come for pizza at the house.) 

Linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving it Forward.  Check them out.  Lots of holidays are floating around the internet! (I'll try to get the other two linked up on Monday in the morning.)  Enjoy your week! 

Happy Quilting All.  Bonnie 


  1. Oh Bonnie, you did a terrific job finishing and donating these quilts. I am sure that this brings solace to the quilter's soul. You know how unfinished projects are like a thorn in our sides. Hope you stay warm and safe. This storm looks nasty. Hugs to you.

  2. The location and the lighting in the photos are superb, especially with the rail and wreath visible. Love the quilting on the balloon panel: it does look like clouds or swirling wind gusts.

  3. Great job on all three of those quilts. It is so hard to get sewing done this time of year. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  4. My favorite is the flower pot/nine patch quilt. It's so cheerful and classic! Great job on all these finishes :)

  5. All three of those donation quilts turned out beautifully!! I really like the idea of sashing the Roman Stripe. That's a great way to stretch a quilt that's not QUITE big enough!

  6. The second quilt, with the bears. Where did you get this fabric? My sister and I both had baby pillows made out of this fabric back in the 80s and I've been looking for it!

    1. Sorry I can't send you a personal email as you are anonymous. Unfortunately, this panel came from a stash of a woman who had died. She had several different panels which several of us took home to quilt for the guild. You might keep your eyes open for estate sales and check local Goodwills and the like. You could also join the Yahoo group Sew It's for Sale and list of in search of item. Good luck.

    2. Omgoodness! You replied and I never cane back to check. Thank you!


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