
Monday, December 24, 2018

Monday Meanderings 12 - 24 - 2018

Wow!  It's almost over.  The month, the year, and Christmas.  We are planning a low key Christmas for just the two of us but will be enjoying lots of family at Kevin and Aimee's house tomorrow afternoon.  Should be fun. 

This week flew by, just as I suspected it would.  We started out with Ellie spending the night and then going to get a bear from Build-A-Bear.  It amazes me how easy it is to put together a bear there.  I especially think they did stuffing and tying off the opening really well. Ellie enjoyed getting a bear with lots of lights and sparkles. 

There was a wonderful Christmas display at the mall and I was able to snap a great pic of her with a reindeer.  She still likes to pose for the camera. 
On Saturday Aimee, Mimi and Grammy (me) took Ellie on an excellent adventure.  Her Christmas present from the grandmas was an American Girl doll.  So we braved the big mall in northern Virginia to go to the American Girl store.  Ellie was pretty surprised and the two grandmas got teary eyed.  But she eventually picked out a doll that is called something like looks like me.  Except Ellie wanted a blond doll with no freckles.  So that is what she got.  We had lunch with our dolls and people. Heck, I brought my Kit doll that I won (with lots of clothes and quilts) from a quilt guild in Maryland quite a few years ago.  Just like the last time lunch was ridiculously slow.  I had salmon and it was great -- much better than the pizza I had last time I went. 

Surprisingly parking and driving to and from wasn't as bad as I expected. (and I wasn't driving so of course it wasn't bad for me!)  Until Pat and I decided to go home. (The guys stayed at Kevin's house.)  The 40 minute drive was listed as over 3 hours if we took I 95.  Instead we took back country roads and got home about 2 hours later but it was a pleasant trip and we were always moving.  Luckily we got home just as it started to get dark. 

I didn't get much studio time this past week.  But I did drag out log cabin blocks -- a UFO.  I'd like to make twin size quilts for two beds.  But it will take a million blocks -- or so it seems to me.  Most of my time was taken up with getting presents finished and wrapped.  My best accomplishment was getting my Jamestown Landing quilt loaded on Ruthie. I didn't get any quilting done until today.  I'm using Melody designed by Sarah Ann Myers.  I really hope to have all the quilting done this week.  And, if luck is on my side, I'll get the binding started.  Cross my fingers -- maybe I'll get the binding on the quilt and have a great finish for the end of the year! 

Here's what got done last week: 
December 17, 2018
Finish up the Angel ornaments (again! Sigh.) 
Work on Counted Cross Stitch ornament
Wrap Christmas presents
Load Jamestown Landing and start quilting no quilting done by Sunday pm
Buy the last of the Christmas Presents 
Enjoy Ellie’s sleepover

And here's what I hope to do this week: 
December 24, 2018
Finish Theo’s ornament 
Quilt my Jamestown Landing 
Watch a few grands if needed
Work on black and white log cabin (UFO)
Make binding for Jamestown Landing 

I'm calling it quits now.  I have a few stray gifts to wrap and a little more to be done to Theo's cross stitched ornament.  

I'm linking up with Monday Making and Oh Scrap. Several of my go-to Monday linky parties aren't partying this week.  When you have a quiet moment surf the internet to get yourself revved up again for lots of quilty excitement in 2019. 

Happy Quilting! Bonnie 


  1. Great finish, indeed!! I'm looking forward to it.

  2. What a great adventure for Ellie! I love that you took your cool to lunch. Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh that sounds like such fun!! I love her doll that she picked out!! Hope your Christmas was very Merry!

  4. Sounds like a very eventful week. Wow, that much traffic on I-95? Glad you found an alternative route. Hope you've lots of stitching time this week. Have a very Happy New Year!


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