
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Monday Meandering

What a week!  We've just finished our two Spotsylvanians concerts.  Nice crowds who were very appreciative of our efforts.  Needless to say that took a chunk of my time this week. But so much fun to do.  I'm hoping I can participate during the spring season that starts late in January. 

What I succeeded on finishing also was 4 embroidered Christmas shirts for the grands.  At Thanksgiving I asked the three girls what design they wanted on their shirts.  (And I kept notes so I wouldn't forget!)  Theo's mom suggested his and he was delighted with it.  Here are all four shirts finished and ready to give to the kids.  All designs are by JuJu Designs.  

They all liked them but Theo was the only one I could actually get a picture of him in it. 
As the Christmas holiday grows closer less sewing will be getting done.  I did actually load part of the backing for my Jamestown Landing quilt.  I'm hoping to finish getting the backing on and then get the rest of the quilt loaded this week.  If I am really lucky I might get a few rows stitched out but I'm not holding my breath. 

We have Ellie spending the night tonight so we can go celebrate her birthday tomorrow.  It was late October but we couldn't attend her celebration.  We'll be visiting Build-A-Bear. Hey, I got a few gift cards when we did our other grands' bds there. So I figured this would be a great use for them.

So here's how the goals went this week.  Not bad considering all I had scheduled.  
December 10, 2018
Work on counted cross stitched ornament  
Embroider grand’s Christmas shirts
Finish Angel ornaments oops did a bit more but…must finish this! 
Attend 2 rehearsals and 2 performances for the Spotsylvanians
Eye Appointment and Hair Cut! (oops hair cut is this coming week) 
Have the family over for pizza
Bind a charity quilt Half done…

And this coming week I'm going to .... 
December 17, 2018
Finish up the Angel ornaments (again! Sigh.) 
Work on Counted Cross Stitch ornament 
Wrap Christmas presents
Load Jamestown Landing and start quilting 
Buy the last of the Christmas Presents 
Enjoy Ellie’s sleepover shopping trip
Hair Cut

I am having more issues trying to get your comments emailed to my account.  I thought I had reset it so it would work, but no.  I'll look at it again this week and see if I can straighten it out.  I will get an answer to your comments but it's taking me longer than usual. 

Visit the linky parties listed to see what folks have been doing this past week. 
Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward. I just noticed Main Crush Monday didn't post last week.  And, I didn't remember to check it either.... We'll see whether I remember this week.  It might be a busy, busy week! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie  


  1. Great shirts! I bent the bracket on my machine 2 weeks ago, and am at a standstill till maybe this afternoon when I can pick up my new used machine. I still have 4 embroidered gifts to make.

  2. The shirts are adorable, especially on a handsome young man.

  3. Aw, Theo looks great in his Christmas raccoon shirt :)

  4. The grands shirts came out beautifully. Theo doesn't look too thrilled to be on camera. Enjoy the holiday season.

  5. Theo is a cutie in his new shirt from you!!! I will be putting my Jamestown Landing blocks together in the new year. Interested to see yours! Merry Christmas!!!


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