
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Goal Setting

It's time for the February goal for the One Monthly Goal blog. Heck, it's past time. I'm barely getting it posted in time. 

I'm going to have two goals for this month.  

First one up is my Calendar quilt from Country Piecemakers guild in Powhatan, Va. 

All of the calendar challenge quilts will be hung at the Mid Atlantic Quilt show at the end of February.  My deadline is to have it done in 3 days so I can turn it over at the CP meeting on Saturday.  Looking at this picture I've decided the window is too small. And, some of the presents need to be changed.  The tree is hand appliquéd and the other elements are ready to be appliquéd.  Hopefully by the end of today I'll have the quilt batted and backed.  I plan to do a little stitch in the ditch around the elements.  And then it will be on to decorating it. 

My next goal for this month is to quilt and bind my heart table runner from last year. 
Maybe I'll have it done before Valentine's Day.  If not at least it would be done and ready for next year. 

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts February Goal Setting post and Midweek Makers.  Spend some time looking at what people are working on these days. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Hi Bonnie! These look like goals you can meet for the month in spite of it being a shorter month. You didn't give yourself much time for the first goal since it has to be turned in by Saturday. Eek! Good luck. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Your tree is beautiful already, Bonnie. I am hoping to attend the Mid Atlantic Quilt Show for the first time this year. If I do I will definitely look for your quilt!

  3. Lovely runner. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  4. Love your calendar challenge block, that is going to be so cute when it's all done. Good luck with your February goals.


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