
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Monday Meandering 2 - 11 - 2019

Success!  My first goal for OMG is done.  I finished my challenge quilt and turned it in on Saturday.  I'm saving pictures of the finish until after the Mid Atlantic Quilt Show.  I'll get a picture of it hanging and then write a blog post about it.
I've picked my next project to work on also.  It's a UFO from 2017.  This was one of my FCQE Quilters block and I received a huge number of blocks!  I'll be making these into several lap quilts or smaller.  But I hope to get 1 top done this month. 
Next up, I want to share my new sewing desk that Pat made me.  When I got the new sewing machine I realized it wouldn't fit into my sewing desk that I have had for 30+ years.  So Pat planned and made me a new sewing desk including a wonderful lift for my machine.  Here are some pics in progress and the finished product.  
The beginning. 
Drawers added.
Finished desk.  Great lift device. 

Here's the desk in use with the new Viking. There's room to store the embroidery arm on the left.  On the right above the top drawer is a slide out tray so I can stack blocks in progress for easy access.  The lift is wonderful -- easy to use with three stops.  All the way down and the machine is out of sight.  Pat made a wood cover for anytime I might want to use the whole desk without a sewing machine.  The machine is at the dropped level with the new custom insert we ordered.  And the final height is at the desk level so the embroidery arm can be used.   I really wanted was to be able to sit right in front of the needle. Pat worked hard to make sure I could. The whole thing is wonderful.  I haven't filled much into the drawers yet but I will be adding "stuff" as I need things close by. 

Moving on here's how I did on my goals this past week. Not a bad week. 

February 4. 2019
Finish sewing challenge project√
Make some Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks√
Design labels for Virginia Star√ 
Work on dog tumbler top didn’t happen, sigh. 

Here's what I'm going to be working on this week
February 11, 2019 
Quilt Valentines table runner 
Work on dog tumbler top 
Print labels for Va. Star 
Work on scrap quarter square triangles 
Work on my FCQEquilters blocks - granny blocks

That's it for me this week.  I'm linking up with my regular Monday linky parties.  Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward.  I'm going to spend some time this week checking out some blogs to see what's new for quilters.  Hope you can find some time too.  I'll be adding the last two links tomorrow.   

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Pat did a beautiful job on that table.

  2. Wow, beautiful cabinet and what great carpentry work! Your machine has a lovely and fitting new home. P.S. Love how the quilt in your header coordinates with the tree behind it!

  3. Wonderful sewing desk. I love the large work area surrounding the machine head. The slide out on the right is clever! I have a lift on my cabinet, and I love it, but I need to have an insert made to fit around my machine.

  4. Wow a desk you can sit in front of the needle, what a lucky lady you are! Drives me nuts that my whole machine is centred in my sewing cabinet. And such lovely finish, well done to the master woodworker.

  5. You tease!! I was hoping to see your challenge quilt. Well done with finishing your OMG goal. Pat did a great job, your new sewing desk looks amazing!! Enjoy :)


  6. How wonderful!! I would just be happy if Hubster would cut a hole in my desk and install my machine, no need to start from scratch!

  7. Wow!! What a wonderful piece of furniture! Don't let the word get out that your DH can make these, or he'll be mobbed by quilters :)

  8. What a talented guy ... better keep him!!! Lol! Great job on your quilt. Enjoy that next one

  9. Your new table has a bread board! What a great idea. I pull out the drawer and pile things on it. Unhandy when you need in the drawer.

  10. Wow, Your Guy does great work. Very pretty and functional. Enjoy your new sewing tool. Hope you got in lots of good stitching time this week.


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