
Friday, May 31, 2019

OMG! Whoppee!!

I had three goals I wanted to complete for the May One Monthly Goal.  Guess what!  I got all three of the items done.  Yea me!

First up was finishing the top using more of the granny squares I received from the FCQ Equilters.  I posted about it on May 6 so you can pop over  to see the finished top.  I looked for backing today but decided I wouldn't buy it yet -- I've gone a little wild with backings this month.  Plus, that quilt is going to be for us so I don't really needed it finished yet.

Next I wanted to quilt and bind the two friendship star quilts that I used a charm pack of airport activities as the centers of the stars.  Yep.  Both of those got done a while ago.  You can see them still on the long arm here. And here's from the photo shoot today. 

Hum, that's Kona photobombing my shoot. It is a beautiful day out now.  We've been having a lot of nasty weather in the evenings recently. Look carefully at the quilting patterns -- they're really cute chubby airplanes in the design. It's called Dave's Airplanes by David Hudson. It stitches out really nicely.  This is the second and third quilts I've used it on.  Does that mean I like airplane fabric?  Maybe. (By the way if you click on any photo it should enlarge.) 

My last goal was to use my parrot fabric for a quilt. I bought it in Lancaster several years ago; it was time to use it.  I was hoping to get it to top stage and I did.  And because I had so much fabric I made a pillowcase too.  Someone is going to love these bright little parrots. 

So, here it is the last day of the month and I've been really successful.  No wonder I'm whopping it up! Stay tuned as I figure out what I want to do for my June OMG. (OMGosh -- it's almost June!)

I won't be getting much stitching done this weekend.  It's concert weekend.  In a few hours I have to leave for rehearsal.  Then Saturday night and Sunday afternoon we are performing.  It's an amazing selection of music and we are definitely ready to give it our all. I hope you enjoy your weekend and get a little stitching in too. 

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I'm planning to do some blog surfing Saturday.  Things should be less busy tomorrow.  I'm still trying to get some things done before the rehearsal today.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Great finishes, Bonnie! You had a VERY productive month :)

  2. Fun finishes! Congrats on completing your ambitious May OMG.

  3. Kudos for meeting all your goals for May! The airplane quilting is adorable for the fun fabrics.

  4. Very nice! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  5. The airplane quilting is wonderful. It really shows off the Friendship Stars.


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