
Monday, June 3, 2019

Monday Meandering 6 - 3 - 2019

What a weekend!  It was concert weekend for the Spotsylvanians.  We had a dress rehearsal on Friday night with a tremendous thunderstorm as we were leaving.  Can you say drenched?  Saturday night was our first concert with Sunday afternoon our last.  We had a great lineup of songs about "Why We Sing" that blended into how songs can be bridges to our world.  We started with "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing" followed by the very different but beautiful song "I Am in Need of Music." "Bridge Over Troubled Water" seemed to be an audience favorite.  We finished with Moses Hogan's "Music Down in My Soul," a rousing spiritual.  It was a great but tiring weekend.    
Bonnie and Beth and part of the choir before our first concert.  Hi Lauren -- see that happy face behind us!

Pat missed this weekend because of the regional Barbershop Harmony Society's MAD Southern Division competition.  His quartet came in 12 out of 22.  They were pleased with the result since they'd only been together for 6 weeks or so.  But the BIG news is their chorus, The Virginians out of Richmond, Va, came in, drum roll please!  first place.  They have worked so hard so this really was a validation that all the hard work is worth it.  

Although I didn't get a lot done this week sewing wise I did finish a quilt.  (I've been shopping way too much so I wanted to get at least one more finish for May.)  If you remember the quilt Jenny and I made for my grandson, (check it out here), you'll recognize the fox fabric in this quilt. This is a simple quilt I made to use up a piece of fabric that was cut off the backing of Theo's quilt.

I originally thought I would use different designs on each of the stripes but I really didn't have many designs that would have worked.  So I chose Whisper edge to edge designed by the mother daughter team at My Creative Stitches. (PS, it's still on sale for $5.00.)  It worked really well with this design. It ran very nicely.  Check out this close up. 

You might have guessed that I didn't do as well on my goals last week as I have in the past.  You would be correct.  I haven't laid out a big group of goals for this week.  There's not a lot going on but I'm not sure what I really want to work on next.  I might surprise myself and do more but I'm feeling lazy after the busyness of last week. 

May 27, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Finish borders on Parrot Quilt
Make backing and load it for Parrot Quilt nope 
Embroider two beach cover ups  One is done

 June 3, 2019
 Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
 Quilt Ladybug quilt
 Embroider another beach cover up and a sweat shirt 
 Make several individual blocks 
 Attend Country Piecemakers meeting 

Here's the blogs I'll be linking up to: Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, and Moving It Forward. I'm looking forward to relaxing surfing time.  Won't you take a few minutes to surf these great sites also?  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Sounds like a wonderful program. In the summer of 1967 (or maybe '68) my toddler and I took AmTrak from DC to Atlanta. The train was full of barbershop singers on their way to a convention and they serenaded us all the way! It was so delightful.

  2. The bar quilt is so cheerful! Looks as thought and your fellow choristers had a grand time.

  3. Great finish on that cute fox quilt, Bonnie! Those fox are sew much fun!

  4. Music (singing and listening) is good for the soul. Love the fox quilt - great colors


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