
Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday Meandering 6 - 10 - 2019

Is it really Monday again?  And already the 10th of the month?  EEK - June is 1/3rd over and I have hardly done anything, or so it seems. 

Well, that's not exactly true.  Here are a couple of things I've been working on. (And, surprisingly enough they were on my goal list last week!) First up the sweatshirt I embroidered for Theo.  At Easter I asked the grands to pick a design from various beach embroidery designs for me to put on clothes for them.  Theo picked a cute turtle from Designs by JuJu. (It is the bottom left turtle with a heart on his shell on the link.)   I have no idea why he picked it but he did.  So, here's the sweatshirt with his design.  It is an appliqué design so I had to pick fabric to go under the stitching.  I left off one of the fabric pieces -- it wasn't very big and seemed silly to have too much on the turtle. 

It stitched out nicely.  He and Sophie wanted sweatshirts and the other two are getting beach cover ups.  I thought the mottled green would actually look mottled but the piece is not all that big -- maybe 4 x 4" or so.  It was fast and easy to do.  I've finished the stitching on Ellie's cover up but need to do some trimming.  Pictures will follow.  Sophie originally wanted the same turtle but when I mentioned I didn't think she'd be at the beach at the same time Theo would be she picked another design.  I have a bit more time to do Nat's and Sophie's because they are off on vacation soon. (And, no beaches...!) 

I also was able to get the Ladybug and Stars quilt on Ruthie and done.  It didn't take all that long.  Yea.  Next up is trimming and binding.  
The design, by Apricot Moon, is called Saffron Blossom. Thread is So Fine.  Here's what it looks like: 
If truth be known I'm not as excited with the finished quilting -- I can't quite figure out why I'm not thrilled with Saffron Blossom on this quilt but . . . maybe it is too busy. I'll try to remember to post pictures when I finish the binding.  This quilt will be going to a nursing home.  Although it may take a while since I won't be going down to Powhatan for several months. 

I did quite well on my goals since I thought I'd gotten almost nothing done on them.  Surprise!  I did make progress on all of them. 
June 3, 2019 
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Quilt Ladybug quilt
Embroider another beach cover up and a sweat shirt need to do another section of the cover up
Make several individual blocks√ 
Attend Country Piecemakers meeting

And here's what I will be working on this week.
June 10, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Trim and Bind Ladybug quilt
Finish borders on Butterfly quilt 
Make more BOM blocks for Country Piecemakers

It dawned on me recently that I haven't shared anything about the old Christmas quilt. Short story is I attended a mystery quilt weekend in Lancaster County, PA in about 1997or 98.  I got a lot done during the weekend but I didn't finish it then.  Eventually, I got the top finished and decided to hand quilt it.  (WHAT was I thinking -- except I didn't have Ruthie at the time.  So hand quilting it was.) Fast forward through the years with very little quilting getting done and one other quilt being hand quilted. (I was going to link to a picture of the other hand quilted quilt but I never posted a pic of it. Makes me wonder how many other finishes didn't have pictures posted!)  So I'll try to take a picture of this Christmas quilt so you can at least visualize what I'm working on!  

I'm linking up with my favorite Monday linky parties: Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward.  Take some time to blog surf.  It's fun! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. The machine embroidered turtle looks great! I love the ME applique designs and wish that there were more of them out there. Especially when I want to embroider something onto a quilt, the densely digitized designs are just too heavy and distorting for the lightweight quilt cottons and they make an unpleasantly stiff finished design for my taste, but when you can find a great design that is machine embroidered applique it's like the best of both worlds. I think your Ladybug and Stars quilt looks great and I like the Saffron Blossoms design for it. If you're not loving it and not sure why, maybe it's because your thread color was so much darker than many of your quilt top fabrics? I'll bet it wouldn't feel as "busy" to you if you'd used an off white or yellow thread, for instance. But since you DID use a contrasting thread, I'm able to click and enlarge the photo and admire what a great job you did with the quilting! :-). Is this computerized or are you following a paper pantograph?

  2. love the bright yellow you have used, really summery

  3. Adorable turtle and cute request from a grand. Love the Stars & Ladybugs - very summery!

  4. I think the turtle is adorable. I really enjoy doing machine embroidery/applique. They stitch out so much faster than regular embroidery and look so nice. I'm sure Theo will love his sweatshirt! Sometimes I quilt a design that I think will look good and then don't like it. Usually it's because I really don't like my thread choice. I really like how bright and happy your quilt is.

  5. That little turtle is so cute! Perfect addition to the sweatshirt. Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward.


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