
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Monday Meanderings 6 - 17 - 2019

As usual I'm not exactly sure where this past week went to -- appointments, picking up a grand dog, and finishing some embroidered clothing for the grand kids.  (Later I'll show Sophie's sweatshirt that turned out so cute.)  When we picked up the grand dog, I gave Theo his sweatshirt (turtle embroidery from last week.)  Ellie got a beach cover-up that had a cute "Beach Princess" statement on it. They were happy to get them and immediately put them on.  

I think I spent more time reading on my new Kindle than I spent quilting.  I had an original Kindle.  But it eventually died a slow death.  Generally, I have been reading on either my cell phone or my iPad.  But I was running through my battery, especially on the cell phone.  So Pat suggested I pick out a new Kindle.  Good idea.  I've been using it mostly for the last week. 

Here's the grand dog, Cassie, and Kona squished into the back of our Prius.  They've been friends for a long time so they seem to enjoy getting together. (Thank goodness since we take Kona a lot when we are invited to visit and Cass comes to spend some weekends with us.) Cass is a yellow lab and Kona is a black dog.... with a lot of variety to her! We were getting soft serve ice cream cones.  They each got a little bit of my cone and ice cream.  

It was a beautiful morning although the humidity has come back.  I took several quilts outside this morning to get some pictures.  This is the quilt I call the old Christmas quilt every week when I list my goals.  I have  a little over half of the border still to do.  It's bad enough to have decided to hand quilt this thing but when the inside was done I decided to quilt the borders with a stencil that has eight (8) rows of quilting on it!  Heaven only knows what I was thinking.  Well, probably that was the only stencil I had that would fill the border.  So, until I'm done it's going on the list every week.  (Or I get sick of it and give up for a while!) (You should be able to click on my photos and they should enlarge a bit.) Someday this top will be done.  Just don't hold your breath. 

Despite not spending all that much time quilting I did move all my goals forward this week. 
June 10, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Trim and Bind Ladybug quilt
Finish borders on Butterfly quilt
Make more BOM blocks for Country Piecemakers1 more done 

And here's what's on tap this week.  
June 17, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Quilt Butterfly quilt
Work on Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks 
Prep backing of Parrot Quilt
Make 1 pillowcase

Hum, nothing there about mailing off my last two quilts for Hands 2 Help.  They are going to Jack's Basket.  I'll be doing that sometime this week.  

I'm linking up with my favorite linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward.  As usual, I'll link up whatever links are not live when I first publish this. (And, if I remember to link up....) You know the drill:  take some time to surf these sites.  There are all sorts of inspiring photos -- don't you need another project??? LOL! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I am not sure how many years I have been using a kindle now but I am on my third one! I guess I had bad luck on the first two and they had mechanical problems or maybe I just wore them out!!

  2. Poor Christmas quilt, lol. I had one of those I kept pushing aside but at least you have started on yours.

  3. I use my iPad more than the Kindle for reading, but the Kindle (an old one) is still at my bedside.

  4. Cute dogs! Did you name your black lab Kona after Kona solids fabric? Because I'm pretty sure he matches their black solid quite well :)

  5. What sweet pups!! You will get that quilt done, just in its time.

  6. How nice that the dogs get along. The beauty of quilting for a hobby is that who cares how long it takes us to get the quilt to the finish line. Whenever we manage to get there it just perfect. Lol!

  7. Cassie and Kona are adorable! It is so wonderful that they get along. The Christmas quilt is going to be so beautiful. Stepping away and coming back to a project helps me a lot. Well done with meeting your goal. Happy Reading :)


  8. Saw your comment on Nann's blog this morning. I, too, have been having trouble commenting for the past several months. I haven’t found a fix, except to go back every once in awhile because it seems to be random, comes and goes. I mostly read blogs from my iPad. My laptop is not Apple, and I haven’t noticed a problem, but I don’t use it very often, so I could be wrong. Point is don’t give up. The other day, I couldn’t comment on a post, and when I went back to it thirty minutes later, I could. Good luck! Enjoyed reading your post. Congrats on completing your June goals.

  9. Good luck with your hand stitching project. Hopefully as you get closer to done, you'll feel inclined to just stick with it so it can come off your UFO list. Happy stitching this weekend.


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