
Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday Meanderings 11 - 18 - 2019

Not much piecing and no quilting was accomplished this week.  Here's what I did get done.  Doll clothes for Ellie for her birthday. 

I was really happy with the end result and most fabric came from my stash except for the netting for the petticoat and the Velcro® for the back closure.  By Thursday afternoon I was pretty well finished with the dress except for needing to buy the Velcro®. I thought, hum, I have a doll sweater in pieces just waiting to be put together.  I'll finish that too.  Except, wait, Ruby, the doll, would need a pair of pants to wear with the sweater.  So on to making a pair a "jeans." 

The sweater got sewn together and the snaps were done on the back.  It's a good thing I have all sorts of odd ball stuff from my previous days of sewing clothes because I had the perfect size of snaps to sew on the back.  

Ellie loved all the clothes and immediately put the pants and sweater on Ruby.  Except evidently she doesn't like the patch pockets on the jeans because she put them on backwards.  Sigh.  

As I said, no piecing but a very productive week.  Between Monday's morning long Veterans Day program in our community and pretty much a full day rehearsal for the Spotsylvanians on Saturday, I've had a really busy week!  

My goals for this week is to make more progress on various Christmas presents which will remain unnamed.  Just know that I have a list of several things to be done and some planned time to work on them.  (Hopefully, I've planned enough time!) I'm also going to sneak in one more top to be quilted this week along with working on QOV at the guild on Wednesday. 

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  When you have a spare moment, take a look. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I can imagine all the playtime these garments will generate. I have wonderful memories of the doll clothes my Mom made for me.

  2. Sew cute!! The ruffled cap sleeves are just darling :)

  3. Love the dress, sweater and jeans! I've done my fair share of AG doll sewing, so I appreciate all the work that goes into them. Glad Ellie likes them! Maybe she thinks the pockets go on the front.

  4. The AG doll looks happy in her new clothes. I remember my Mom making clothes for my dolls, as I did for my daughters dolls.. You brought some nice memories to me today, thanks!

  5. Oh my goodness, these are so cute!!! Of course Ellie loved them. I do too :-)

  6. The doll clothes are pretty cute. You'd think sewing small would be faster and easier, it's not. Good luck with your secret holiday stitching.


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