
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Monday Meanderings 11 - 25 - 2019

Busy week.  Nothing new with that.  I know I'm not reading as much as I usually do.  But I've got a book due in 5 days and I haven't even started it!  Must get to it. Tuesday I spent part of the day working on Quilts of Valor with the Virginia Star Guild.  We are trying to get a bunch of quilts done and ready for giving to start 2020. I'm turning cut off triangles into 4.5" (unfinished) pinwheels.  I use them as leaders and enders, the Bonnie Hunter way. But I won't make much progress on them until after Christmas.
 I'm contemplating this pattern: 
I've got the Spotsylvanians concert coming up in  3 weeks.  I could use a new skirt that is a little  fuller.  In 4 weeks a subgroup is singing dressed as Victorian carolers.  Thus the cape makes some sense too.  (Sans the fur collar and muff.)  I've got a nice black wool hanging around that I could use for the cape.  I'd need to buy a black fabric that would be cooler for the skirt.  Decisions, decisions.  I haven't had much luck making clothing for me in years.... but how hard could a skirt be as long as it fits at the waist and has room for the hips? Yea, I know if could be a disaster. 

I made progress on three of my seven highly secret projects.  Unfortunately, none are finished because it dawned on me that I was going to help out with my grandkids on Tuesday.  And if I were smart I would get the embroidered shirts done to take up.  Well, yes, they are mostly done. 
Both of these designs are from Designs by JuJu.  The Mehndi Reindeer is from Mehndi Christmas.  It sewed up pretty fast although I did have some issue with various threads.  (I thought I put in a new needle but maybe I need to replace it before the next two.)  The truck is from Vintage Trucks Holidays also from Designs by Juju. I'm sorry to report this one gave me fits.  My thread shredded on several occasions and there were too many instances where the embroidery overlapped other parts of the embroidery and the machine had a hard time.  My last thought is I don't like how messy the back looks on these.  I think for the next group I'll turn off the automatic top thread cutter and do it manually.  It will make the back look much better.  I need to put a backing on the designs -- makes the kids itch without one. 

Here's what still needs to be done, oh rats, most are secret projects.  Hopefully, I'll get the three that are almost done finished up.  Each might take three or four hours at the most.  Then I can proceed to the next secret items.  And, also make two more Christmas shirts and decide on the skirt and cape. (Well not all this week, really.)

There is hope for most of the secret projects.  We'll be home by ourselves for T-Day which is fine as it gives us more time to do our projects. (Pat's got a secret one going too...) 

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  Last week I linked to these different sites but only linked back to mine on one.  Not the smartest move.   I did enjoy checking some blogs out and came away with a few too many good ideas.  Sigh. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie  


  1. Your embroidery on the shirts is adorable! I love the pattern you are thinking of making. It sure would be warm on these blustery days!

  2. Hopefully the skirt pattern has an elastic waist! I think the best years of home garment sewing were the late 60's to the mid 90's -- when clothing design in general got less fussy (remember shift dresses with a yoke and gathered front/back--and 22" back zippers?) -- of course back then I could use a commercial pattern right from the envelope without alterations.

  3. I haven't made a garment since the 80s - gads that's was nearly 40 years ago! The pattern you selected is cute and shouldn't be too difficult.

  4. Id love to hear your concert. Must be fun to dress and MAKE the clothing for the part. Happy sewing.


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