
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Monday Meanderings 5 - 25 - 2020

Have you woken up recently and not known what day of the week it was?  Yea, me too.  It is the oddest feeling to have no clue what day it is.  Although I did figure out what  day it was,  I'm guessing this will continue to happen for a while.  

I dgot quite a bit of reading done this week.  I put ebooks on reserve and it never fails that lots of them come in at the same time.  I finally had to postpone some of them.  I'm currently listening to Becoming Mrs. Lewis, by Patti Callahan.  It's the story of Joy Davidman who becomes C.S. Lewis's wife. It's been interesting and very different then my normal read. I need to spend some more time with it because it's due in 3 days and I'm only a third of the way through.  You know what I'll be doing while I quilt over the next few days!

Pat made us a new bird feeder recently.  It's been very popular because bigger birds attempt to eat from it.  I was pretty surprised to see about 5 starlings trying to get on it the other day.   (Click on the picture to get a larger view.) We get beautiful yellow finches on a regular basis, along with mourning doves, blue birds and even a curious hawk every once in a while. But these starlings were just being piggy. And, great news, we had our first hummingbird of the year on Saturday. 

Surprisingly earlier today a bird got caught inside the house feeder.  The right-side roof raises so we can clean it out and refill it.  Some crazy bird got in there, we suspect through the tray, as we always keep the roof down.  Pat opened the roof for the bird but he had to tip the bird out to get him to fly off.  

I did get quite a bit of quilting and piecing done this week.  
Here's what was on my goal list last week. 

1) Finish binding the table runner. √ (pictures to come) 
2) Make 5 blocks from last year's BOM for Country Piecemakers. How about 3? 
3) Quilt charity quilt for a friend.√
4) Cut out a bunch of little rail fence pieces to do as leader enders.√
These are 3 1/2" square blocks.  I loved the rainbow version that Nann made.  You can see her's here. 
I also have been working on another UFO called Braid Shuffle by Karie Patch Designs. (Scroll down to see the pattern.)  You can see a couple more braids from February 2017 here. All the blocks with the white on the sides were left over from 2017 RSC.  I decided I would make some more blue ones and try to make a small baby quilt.  I've been hitting the blue scrap bag but it isn't going down at all!  I may have to do a pink one at some point since I have some of them left too. 

I felt pretty good about getting my goals moved forward this week.  I also made a couple more masks. But the biggest surprise is I actually redid my batting pieces inventory.  I wrote about it here a week ago when I was the guest blogger on Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I've had it on my to do list for months... or so it seems to me.  I finally took one morning and actually took all the pieces out of my big plastic bin, measured any pieces that weren't marked and then entered them on my Excel spreadsheet.  It was so great to be able to find a couple of pieces on the spreadsheet without having to plow through every piece.  I made sure I moved them to the "used" section too.  

Next up are my goals for this week. 

  1. Pick a top of mine to quilt and get it done. 
  2. Make some more BOM from Country Piecemakers.
  3. Make a bunch more braid and split rail blocks. 
  4. Clean up front end of cutting table 

   I'm linking up with my regular linky parties:   
   Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Design Wall Monday.  Have fun checking the various blogs out. 

I'll leave you with a beautiful dogwood I found in the neighborhood.  We've got a different type of dogwood in our yard but I do love these pink ones.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. That is a crazy story, Bonnie, about the bird that got inside the birdfeeder! We had our first hummingbird last week, also. That braid shuffle is really fun! I love Dogwood trees!!!

  2. I frequently no longer know what day of the week it is and quite often feel like I am living the same day over and over again - like today I woke up thinking it was Sunday - and then realize no that was yesterday - I totally forgot it was son in laws birthday today and will need to send him a gift card on line and an email note - certainly won't be making a birthday cake - what a year

  3. Yes! Not only is today Monday, but it is a holiday. But we're not holidaying anywhere except at home. (I actually need to go to Menard's or Lowe's but I don't want to jostle among the crowds. Maybe an early morning later this week.) Love the blues you've selected for your project.

  4. I’ve checked my phone more recently to see the day of the week: it’s like I’m in a time warp. You’ve accomplished a lot in your sewing room! I like the braid blocks.

  5. Looks like you are making progress! Good luck with this week's goals.

  6. Poor bird! He must have been drunk with seed and didn't want to leave. I really like those braid blocks. They've been on my list for possible RSC blocks. Maybe now is the time to commit :)

  7. Good job on your goals--that's always such a good feeling. A batting pieces spread sheet sounds very useful--my bin is just stuffed with all sorts of chunks.

    Even though I am still working, I have to jolt my memory for the day of the week. We get lots of hummers here, I see one sitting in the top of my Golden Rain tree frequently. No feeders for us, our cat is lethal :(


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