
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Friday Finishes!

Actually, these were finished earlier this month but I kept forgetting to get pictures.  So I grabbed my favorite quilt holder and took a few pictures this week.  
This was a mystery table runner that was planned by my quilting buddy Sharon. I'm not even sure how long ago we did it because I loaned her my top fto share with another guild she was sharing the mystery with.  It was a fast, easy quilt to finish.  I quilted the two outside blocks with one pattern and the inner block with a different one.  I even hand stitched the binding down on this one.  The color combination makes me smile. 

My other finish is made with what I call granny blocks. These blocks remind me of crocheted granny squares. These blocks were sent to me by my FCQ Equilters.  For a fussy block they made a huge number of blocks.  I've already made one quilt you can see here.  And, I think I have enough blocks to make one more small quilt set 3 x 4.  The bigger question is whether I have enough brown to sash another quilt!  One of these days I'll find out. Plus, I'll have to find a border too. 

The border on this quilt was fabric left over from another quilt made years ago.  I said I was going to keep this one but who knows if I really will.  Check below to see the quilt close up. (Plus, all pictures should enlarge if you click on them.) 

I am still hoping to get one more top quilted before the end of May.  Truth be told I've purchased a couple of wide backs that I hope to be able to get 2 tops on each one.  It may take a while for the fabric to come in though. There is a chance that over the next month or two I will have several more finished quilts to share. 

Since I've been a lazy blogger for many of the previous months I'm excited to link up with some different linky parties.  Have fun checking out these linky parties: Midweek MakersNeedle and Thread Thursday, Beauties Pagent #83, and Finish or Not Friday (when they go live.) I hope you enjoy surfing the web for quilty goodness this weekend. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Lovely quilt - I remembering making this pattern about 4 or so years ago it was so well liked someone bought it!

  2. i like the granny squares...very nice!

  3. I love Granny Square quilts! I have one to quilt myself, thinking of using Orange Peel for the quilting, but need to work up the nerve to quilt it myself. I love the range of colors in yours. Beautiful.

  4. Before I even read your post I saw your quilt and I said that looks like the crocheted granny squares that I crocheted many many moons ago! So pretty. And your runner is so perfect for summer.

  5. Love the border fabric on that runner!!! And that granny square quilt is adorbs! If you need more brown for the next sashing, just let me know!?!

  6. These are both great! I love how fresh the table runner looks with that pure blue and yellow combo. And the granny squares are classic. Beautiful finishes :)

  7. Two Beautiful finishes!! The granny squares one reminds me of the things my granny would crochet!! Too cool!


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