
Friday, June 5, 2020

Hands 2 Help

Have you been making quilts for Hands 2 Help?  Sarah, who blogs at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, sponsors Hands 2 Help each year.  This year is going to be her biggest year ever.  I've been supporting this program for several years.  Sometimes I make new quilts.  But this year, I did finish one quilt but also chose 2 other quilts I've made in the past. 

Here are the quilts I sent to Quilts of Compassion in Ohio today. 

Baby Girl Happy Block Quilt 
Fox Quilt 

And a really old Mystery Quilt. 
This is a short blog to make sure I get it posted on Confessions of a Fabric Addict before the linky party closes.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Nice job with these wonderful donation quilts, Bonnie!!

  2. Great quilts. They will be loved and appreciated.

  3. very nice bonnie....and such a worthy cause too

  4. I have made quilts for the hands to help in the past but I didn't this year I have been having on and off trouble with sewing machines and knew I might not be able to get them done as they would need to be machine finished

  5. All three of the quilts are bright and child friendly, but I really like the Fox quilt. The open blocks of fabric really allowed you to show your quilting skills.

  6. Terrific donations! Thank you for sharing your talent and generosity :)


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