
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Monday Meandering 6 - 1 - 2020

Are we really starting June today?  Here in Virginia it's a nice spring day.  But later this week we're heading for the heat of summer.  We haven't had any 90 degree days yet this year but there's a good chance we will on Wednesday.  Can you say "Hello air conditioning?" 
Blocks are from Anniversary Sampler Quilt by Donna Lynn Thomas. 

I've done pretty well on my goals from last week 

1. Pick a top of mine to quilt and get it done. ✔️ I'll take pictures of this quilt and show it later in the week, (maybe Friday.) 
2. Make some more blocks from Country Piecemakers 2019 BOM. ✔️ (I'll be continuing to make these each week until I get 25 done or get tired of them.) 
3. Make a bunch more braid and split  rail blocks.  All the blue braids & the split rails are done.✔️
4. Clean up front end of cutting table. 🙂 It’s started but not finished yet. 

Here's this week's block from  Jacquelynne Steves weekly Silver Lining Quilt Along.  I really like this one.  When I started this quilt along I gathered my fabrics and put them in a little basket.  Every week I decide which fabrics I am pulling to make the block.  I love this sweet little bunny.  I wonder what this week's block will be? FYI - this is a picture of the fabrics cut out but now sewn together.  The picture of the sewn block just didn't look as bright as this pic. 
Here's what I'm planning to do this week.
1.Start making blocks for FCQ Equilters. (I'm behind -- I need to make and send blocks for 3 of the gals.)
2. Finish the braid block and start putting the top together. 
3) I agreed to make 3 embroidered masks for Pat's barbershop chorus.  He's planned a game for next week's Zoom rehearsal and wants to give prizes out.   
4) Cut some red fabric for split rail blocks.
5) I might start a new quilt.... 

I made a trip to JoAnns this weekend after I spent hours trying to find fabric that I could order and pick up at my local store.  No such luck.  So off I went to the store wearing my mask as mandated in my state.  The shelves were really bare.  I was looking for about a half yard of a navy blue fabric for a binding.  Nothing struck my eye from the lowest price to the highest price until I happened across the wide back fabrics.  Success!  I bought 3+ yards of a nice blue and white that I used as the binding of the quilt I completed.  Yea, I know I didn't need to get that much fabric but I do have 2 finished tops that are red, white and blue.  I figure this navy and white fabric will be perfect backings for them and, if I'm lucky, one more top.  And, then, because I am crazy, I bought 3 yards of chartreuse Kona cotton.  (I was tickled when I got home because I found several pieces of fabric that will go great with it! It really may be time for a new quilt.) 

I'm linking up with my regular parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday. Have fun checking out other blogs to see what quilters are doing now. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Your sampler = pretty!!! Love your flower child bunny! Sounds like a successful Joann’s trip!!!

  2. I do not have a Joanne's so glad you found what you needed - you say the shelves were bare - I wonder is it just that the shipping to fill the shelves is not working at capacity for these kinds of products? the only store I have been in for the last two months is our Wal-Mart for grocery's but I have checked the sewing department a few times for products and the shelves are still bare there too. All the sewer's ran out and made sure to stock up and cleaned them out?

  3. The sampler sashing is super! (Say that three times fast.) I haven't been to Joann's in months. Literally. They keep sending me emails, though!

  4. The bunny block is adorable. To avoid going out, I’ve used widebacks in my stash for binding, borders, backgrounds, and backings. I don’t feel comfortable being in a fabric shop at this time.

  5. Sweet blocks. I have often bought wide backs for the color! Kona Chartreuse is a great color too.

  6. Wide backing fabric can be a really good deal! Glad you found something that will work for several quilts :)


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