
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Monday Meandering 6 - 29 - 2020

We went wild this past week and visited both of our children and grands.  Both times we spent most of the time out doors and maintained the correct distance.  I missed the hugs but it was great to see everyone and find out what is going on with them.  In Maryland we also dropped off some quilts ready for binding and picked up some more tops to be quilted for Faithful Circle Quilters. 

I did pretty well on my goals this past week.  Here's what the list looks like at the end of the week. 
W/O 6/22/2020
Border the Bright Boxes ✔️ done and ready for the to-be-quilted closet. Sorry -- not sharing this one until it is completely done. 

Quilt and bind Ninja Stars quilt ✔️ It's quilted but I didn't bind it yet. You can see the top here

Make individual blocks for FCQ Equilter✔️, Silver Lining QAL✔️, and last years CP BOM. These are two string blocks that are already on their way to North Carolina.  I still need to get going on last year's BOM from Country Piecemakers.  I haven't done any for many weeks. 

Pull out another UFO to work on✔️ I've decided to pull out my Christmas paper pieced blocks.  You can see the one I've already finished here. 

Now here are my latest goals... 

W/O 6/29/2020
Bind Ninja Stars quilt.
Work on Christmas paper pieced ufo.
Load and quilt customer top.
Load next personal quilt.

You know the drill:  I''m linking up with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday. Join me as I check out what quilters are up to by blog hopping starting with these linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. some people still don't understand the necessity for social distancing so I haven't visited my family - we are a hugging family and it would be hard to see them and not hug and most of them are not following guidelines and I don't know how many people they have been with without masks on so it isn't safe. I'm glad you got to see yours

  2. It isn't easy social distancing from family. Those hugs are priceless! But for the greater good it's something that we all have to do no matter where we live. Outside with distance is the best way to handle it and a mask is never a bad thing either!

  3. How nice that you were able to enjoy some family visits. Congrats on your quilting progress, too!

  4. Great job at meet a lot of your goals. A few weeks ago, my sister and BIL stopped by for a quick and unexpected visit. I was nervous about it but all went well - no hugs.

    1. Well, I didn’t proofread very well before publishing my comment. ;(

  5. The flag string blocks are really clever. Have you seen the proposed flag if Washington DC becomes a state? The stars are in a circle. Kinda neat! I'm glad to hear you can see your family safely. Most of mine are an airplane trip away, but we're hoping for a safely distanced visit with some of my in-laws.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.