
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Monday Meanderings 6 - 22 - 2020

Saturday morning I looked at my goals and realized I had succeeded in finishing only one of them. It really isn't a big deal if I hadn't finished them this week but I really wanted to be able to check some more items off the list.  I spent Saturday and Sunday sticking to only those goals. 

You may wonder why I was unable to get many goals done in the 5 days of the week.  Surprise!  I had a customer bring me a cute baby quilt that she wanted me to quilt and bind, the faster the better. Once my quilt was off Ruthie the long arm I spent the rest of the week finishing up her quilt.  (I forgot to ask if it would be ok to post it here so until I make sure that's ok you won't be able to see it.) 

By Saturday I had decided I wanted to make some more masks for my son.  He drives into DC two or three days a week and I figured he needed enough that he didn't need to wash them every couple of days.  So, Sunday afternoon I made these two.  I think they are conservative enough to look proper for business wear. 

I did finish Carousel and take pictures but I'm going to hold off until Thursday to post about it.  Both hubby and I LOVE it.   Right after its photo shoot hubby hung it in our entry hall. 

These blocks were started before Stay-At-Home began.  I lost interest.  They are for one of my FCQ Equilters.  A few weeks ago I took the finished blocks and some of the pieces and made a few more.  Hum, these don't look very bright in the picture.  They aren't this dull in person. This is Brick Yard from Missouri Star.  They will be going into the mail this week. 

This next quilt I finished last month and forgot to share pictures.  It was made from  some leftover quarter square triangles.  Nothing spectacular but someone will enjoy having it. I was happy to use up some older fabric too. 
And here is the backing.  I used some leftover wide back fabric and a piece of tan Kona. I was really excited to use a new long arm pattern.  It's called Sound Wave.  Very simple waves. Here's the back where the pattern shows much better.  It was designed by Jessica Schick and sold by Urban Elementz. I'm looking forward to using it a lot in the future. 

Here's the info on all of last week's goals and then what I hope to work on this week.
W/O 6/15/2020
Finish Carousel quilt on long arm.✔️
Cut binding and apply it to Carousel.✔️
Finish the Sawtooth Stars blocks✔️
Put the border on Bright Boxes - nothing done.
Set the airplane blocks from last year’s SOS - nothing done.

W/O 6/22/2020
Border the Bright Boxes.
Quilt and bind Ninja Stars quilt.
Make individual blocks for FCQ Equilter, Silver Lining QAL, and last years CP BOM.
Pull out another UFO to work on.

There you go -- another week has passed.  I spent quite a bit of time blog hopping.  If you want to this week please check out these linky parties:  Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday and Main Crush Monday. 

I leave you with my friend JR playing the bag pipes at one of our drive-by birthday parties.  One of the gal's friend bought the yarn sign which was really fun.  

Yep, he also is Santa Claus during the Christmas Season.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I really like that QST piece! Something about the colors appeals to me. And the central green area looks like a heart :)

  2. love the bag pipes! nice to see that your son is wearing masks and those look like they would go with business attire just fine - too many people are not wearing them and they need to

  3. I like the "sound waves" pattern. I'm going to try that (or a variation) on my DSM free motion quilting. The HST leftover quilt is pleasantly colorful. Masks are like neckties: sometimes plain is preferable to bright.

  4. I agree with a Louise, the QST piece is appealing: I like it. So few people here are wearing masks, and with case numbers increasing across the state, it makes me nervous about being in public. I like the mask pattern you used. Still no elastic available, so I adapted my ties to ear loops. It works, but my glasses fog easily.

  5. Bagpipes at a drive-by birthday party? LOVE it! Your Brick Yard blocks are looking lovely and cheerful to me, too.

  6. All lovely projects, I love that 1/4 square quilt. What a hoot, Santa and a merry bagpiper, he must lead a fun life!

  7. oh I like those brick yard blocks!! and your masks are great!

  8. You did a great job on Saturday in getting a few more checks on your list. The HST quilt is fun. It is nice to use up those bits and pieces that accumulate in the sewing room. Hope this weekend is as productive for you.


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