
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Monday Meandering 6 - 15 - 2020

Have you been baking a lot over the last few months?  I have.  Previously I made a carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies, and, recently, a Dutch apple pie. Yum.  It's gone now but we sure enjoyed it for the last week or so.  Hum, could that be why I've gained a few pounds over the last few months?  (I'm betting it's because I'm not working out 4 times a week as I used to.)  
Here's what I've been working on. Remember the picture of my new chartreuse fabric from last week's post?  I decided to use my owl fabric and the chartreuse to start a small quilt. I'm making 9 12" sawtooth stars. On the second block, I put one set of star points on backward.  Sigh. Ripped that out and remade it.  Hopefully next week I can show you the the top all finished.
Last week I finished two sets of blocks for my FCQ Equilter group. Here are the blocks I'm sending off to Sharon. The pattern is Turn Style from Missouri Star Quilts. 
And now my goals from last week.  I'm tickled I got every one moved forward or finished. 

W/O 6/8/2020

  1. Embroider a couple of logos for mask and make the masks.✔️didn't make the masks yet as Pat doesn't need them for a couple more weeks. The embroidery is done. 
  2. Finish putting the braid blocks together into the top.✔️ Pictures coming soon.
  3. Pick a quilt to quilt✔️ It’s started. 
  4. Wash newest fabric. ✔️ And one is already in use. 
And next week here's what I hope to get done.
W/O 6/15/2020  
  1. Finish Carousel quilt on one arm. 
  2. Cut binding and apply it to Carousel. 
  3. Finish the Sawtooth Stars blocks. 
  4. Put the border on Bright Boxes.
  5. Set the airplane blocks from last year's SOS. 

The quilt design is Diana E2E by My Creative Stitches. Thread is So Fine. 

This is the first week I've used the new Blogger.  UGH.  Some things are just not as easy as the old. I'm wondering how long it will take me to figure it all out. 

I'm linking up to my favorite linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  Take some time to check out what folks are working on. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. nice blocks bonnie....and i love the orange quilt too! hoping our county opens up fitness end of the week...i have avoided baking except for a batch of cookies here and there...

  2. The Turn Style block has my eyes spinning! Love the chartreuse in the star blocks.

  3. The NEW Blogger doesn't really take that long to figure out (once you open your mind to the change.) Trust me, I wasn't happy about it, either! Take a deep breath and keep poking around to see what each icon does. At first, I was switching back and forth between the two versions, but I haven't gone back to OLD Blogger all week. For me, those three dots (one on top of the other) over near the "photo mountain" house my most missed items... Left Align and center align. Boy, was I happy to find those!!!

  4. Love that owl fabric! I had just a fat quarter of it and have bits of it in several quilts. I'll enjoy seeing your star quilt with the owls!

  5. The chartreuse/blue combination makes the cute owl print sparkle! My husband agrees with Theodore Roosevelt's comment: "There are two kinds of dessert. One is apple pie and the other isn't."

  6. That pie looks so good! I'm also having trouble with blogger...not getting comments to my email. Maybe I need to change something?

  7. We've made rhubarb pie, since it's the season. Love that panto! Diana? Nice combo of feathers and swirls! I'm not fond of the new blogger, either. I've been sticking back with the old version. To edit a post, we have to revert to draft???

  8. Yes we seem to be making/eating more sweets. The E2E design is so pretty on your quilt. So are we going to 'have' to switch to the new blogger, I haven't heard much about it.

  9. Ticking off those items is sooo satisfying! Here's to another great week.

  10. Bonnie, I enjoy reading your blog each week. I have a Nolting Pro 24 with Quiltmagine also. Mine is named Gracie after my grandmother. I love that yours is named Ruthie(like me). I'm rather new to Quiltmagine and have the Diana design you quilted on your quilt that you showed this week. What size did you stitch Diana? I love the design but always have trouble deciding what size to stitch it. Any advise or help would be appreciated. You can email me at Your quilts always look like just the right size design and the right design for the quilt. Just wondering what though process you go through to get it so perfect. Love your work !!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.