
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

OMG Completed!


 My Goal for September, 2020 is 

to trim all the rebuilt log cabin blocks


to sew them into a top.

And, yep I succeeded! I shared this photo yesterday.

Here's the whole quilt top pinned to my design wall. It is 69 1/2" x 90". 

Although I am tickled to get this quilt done after working on it on and off for many years, it will be moving into the to-be-quilted closet for a while. I imagine it won't be coming out until next year. 

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilt's One Monthly Goal September Finish Link-Up and Needle and Thread Thursday.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Awesome, Bonnie! I know it feels SEW good to make progress on an old UFO. I just finished one last week! :o))

  2. very nice indeed bonnie...a traditional block that makes a modern style quilt...stunning!

  3. I love the pink & green quilt in the top photo. What is the name of the pattern?

  4. Hooray! I admired the blocks before and I still admire them!

  5. Well done! It looks great. Is the turned block in the third row from the bottom intentional?

  6. That is such a neat design! Congratulations on getting the top together!

  7. Congrats on meeting you September OMG! The black and white is very dramatic. It's an eye catching quilt. You've been moving along on the finishes too.

  8. Cool quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.


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