
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monday Meanderings/ October OMG 10 - 4 - 2020

 It's time to announce my next One Monthly Goal. 

My Goal for October, 2020 is to finish 4 quilts.  

Three tops are already made and one needs to be started. 

All four need to be quilted. 

Since last week I have finished one more of the tops that need to be quilted.  I'm hoping to make good progress on the last one this week. I've already made  the backing for one of them and I have a wide backing for the other three quilts. So hopefully I can get these 4 tops quilted soon. 

Here's the next Happy Blocks Quilt I've finished. 

This top is the I pulled from the to-be-quilted-closet. It should be a wild quilt when done as I picked a bright green backing fabric that has some of the bright green from the stripes in it. 

Although I'm giving myself the whole month to finish all of these quilts I really would like to have them done in the next week or two.  

I'm linking with my regular Monday blogs: Oh Scrap, Monday Making,  Design Wall Monday and Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal October. I'm looking forward to see what quilters are working on these days.  I find the most interesting projects. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The two-color frames for the happy blocks give them a graphic punch. Good color balance, too. The bright stripes look like those bend-and-glow light sticks. Good luck with your goals!

  2. that is almost the same goal as mine -good luck.

  3. Best of luck on your lofty goal for the month of October, Bonnie! Pun intended. :P

  4. Go you!! You can do it!!! order out, skip the laundry, its all good!!! LOVE that happy blocks quilts - so pretty!

  5. That stripe block design is so clever! Looks like partial seams, but it isn't. It's so zingy, too! :)

  6. Nice. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.


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